About our Organ Restoration
St Andrew’s on The Terrace organ restoration project is now complete.
George Croft and Sons of Auckland built the organ in 1962. The people of St Andrew’s regard the organ as a taonga (treasure) of which we are the kaitiaki (guardians). The pipe organ features in concerts and recitals, Sunday Gatherings, weddings and funerals.
The organ restoration has been the last step in the ‘Saving St Andrew’s’ project to refurbish the church and hall, and build new offices and meeting rooms. St Andrew’s Centre was opened in 2014 as a result of this work. The restoration work on the organ was completed in April 2021 and celebrated in a concert in May. Over four years the Parish raised $500,000. We are grateful to all who gave donations, either through Sponsor a Pipe or generally. Come and hear our organ with its refreshed tone and sound. You can hear the difference!
St Andrew’s is one of the leading music venues in the city and many musicians and music teachers use the church and the centre extensively. The refurbished organ will match the church’s excellent acoustic, beautiful interior and air of serenity.