News & Blogs

Pre-election meeting 1 of 3: Housing

On Monday 10 July, over 100 people gathered in St Andrew's on The Terrace to hear a panel of candidates, members of parliament and community workers speak on Wellington's housing issues.  Stephanie McIntyre, Director of Downtown Community Ministries was a...

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Words, words, words

Words, words, words

“words, words, words, I am so sick of words.” Eliza Dolittle, My Fair Lady.   Blogs are tricky things.  We get to throw our opinions into cyberspace.  Depending how busy people are, we may get away with them without comment.  This doesn’t mean other readers don’t...

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Time to Celebrate

Time to Celebrate

For four years unions, faith groups, community organisations and unions in the Living Wage Movement have campaigned for the Living Wage at Wellington City Council.  We've had some big wins and WCC has taken some big steps forward. Now we're preparing to celebrate. On...

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Pink Shirt Day   ‘Tea on The Terrace’

Pink Shirt Day ‘Tea on The Terrace’

On Friday 26 May, 2017, Pink Shirt Day is for standing up against bullying and harassment.  It is especially a Day to stand up and speak out against bullying due to homophobia.  Our youth people deserve better.  They need others to speak out against the idea that...

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