Marriage Equality

St Andrew’s on The Terrace has campaigned for marriage equality within New Zealand society and the Presbyterian Church over a number of years

St Andrew’s on The Terrace has campaigned for marriage equality within New Zealand society and the Presbyterian Church over a number of year. Seeing all people as made in the image of God, and seeing all loving and just relationships as of value, is central to our faith.

We have been blessing the relationships of same-sex couples for more than 20 years, celebrating civil unions since 2005 and marrying loving couples, of any sexual orientation or gender identity, since 2013.

With other churches in the Christians for Marriage Equality network we supported the Marriage Amendment Act that made marriage between same-sex couples legal in 2013.

St Andrew’s members supporting the Marriage Amendment Bill at Parliament.

St Andrew’s minister at the time, Rev Dr Margaret Mayman, presented the Christians for Marriage Equality submission to Parliament and St Andrew’s members joined marches to show their support for marriage equality.

Parish Council member Ellen Murray said in a press release: “This is an issue of freedom of religion for us. At present the law prevents us from treating people in our faith community equally.”

Within the Presbyterian Church, St Andrew’s has twice dissented from General Assembly decisions to oppose marriage equality. (Dissent 2012, Dissent 2014)

In the wake of a decision in 2014 to ban Ministers from performing marriages between same-sex couples, St Andrew’s restated its commitment to be an inclusive church, faithful to the gospel message of love and justice.

“We have Ministers within our community who are registered as civil celebrants and we will continue to be able to provide a welcoming place for any couple who wishes to marry. Inclusiveness is of vital importance in the mission of our faith community. We will continue to work towards our vision for our national church where diversity is celebrated and where no-one is excluded.”

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