Maundy Thursday hand-washing and communion
St Andrews Church 30 The Terrace, Wellington, 6011, Wellington, The Terrace, New ZealandA quiet service where we commemorate the Last Supper
Lectures held at St Andrew's are organised by the St Andrew’s Trust for the Study of Religion and Society
A quiet service where we commemorate the Last Supper
Contributions by 14 people, one for each Station of the Cross.
Easter Day celebrates the new life which the events of the original Easter brought us. The Gathering includes Holy Communion and the St Andrew's Singers will be providing two anthems.
A half hour of group meditation/contemplative prayer. Begins with a short reading then 30 minutes silence. All welcome. This website will give you some idea of the approach many of us use.
A weekly chance to meet people and talk about your life in a confidential space. Informal chat over tea and coffee happens from 10.30am. A talking circle begins at 11am and runs till 12 noon. All welcome.
Programme details : 2019-04-24 Chris Greenslade
NZSM String Orchestra conducted by Donald Maurice with Ingal Megiddo performing two Haydn cell concertos. This is the first of a number of fundraising concerts to assist in refurbishing the St Andrew's organ. Tickets are $25 waged and $20 unwaged.
The Gathering today is led by Rev Dr Jim Cunningham.
A half hour of group meditation/contemplative prayer. Begins with a short reading then 30 minutes silence. All welcome. This website will give you some idea of the approach many of us use.
A weekly chance to meet people and talk about your life in a confidential space. Informal chat over tea and coffee happens from 10.30am. A talking circle begins at 11am and runs till 12 noon. All welcome.
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