Lectures held at St Andrew's are organised by the St Andrew’s Trust for the Study of Religion and Society
Michaela Cadwgan and Bruce Greenfield, voice and piano, will perform a selection of gorgeous songs by Strauss, Duparc, Ravel and Quilter.
A classical violin and piano duo concert featuring sonatas by Grieg and Franck
Experience a world of a cappella music and rich musical traditions from all over the globe with WOSOSI - World Song Singers Choir. This Wellington choral group will take you on a journey through Portuguese sea shanties, Georgian laments, South African hymns and more.
The Middle Fiddles from the Wellington Viola Academy will present a programme spanning from the baroque to the 20th century with music by Georg Telemann, Béla Bartók, Michael Kimber and Chintamani Rath.
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