Lectures held at St Andrew's are organised by the St Andrew’s Trust for the Study of Religion and Society

Epiphany One

Gathering led by Rev Norman Wilkins. Morning tea to follow

Epiphany Two

Gathering led by Rev Dr Jim Cunningham. Morning tea to follow

Epiphany Three

Gathering led by Rev Ross Scott. Morning tea to follow

Epiphany Four

Gathering led by Rev Dr Susan Jones. Morning tea to follow

Epiphany Six

Gathering features Rev Ken Irwin.  Theme: “How my Thinking has Changed” Morning tea to follow Congregational Conversation follows in the Church

Epiphany Seven

St Andrews Church 30 The Terrace, Wellington, 6011, Wellington, The Terrace, New Zealand

Gathering features Rev Alistair Harray. Theme: “How my Thinking has Changed” Morning tea to follow Social Justice meets in the Centre or the Church following the Gathering

Exploring Faith Discussion Group

Exploring the Faith follows the Sunday Gathering on the fourth week of the month. Today it will be an opportunity to discuss the 'How my thinking has Changed' series. We […]

Lent One

First Sunday Gathering for Lent, led by Susan Jones in St Andrew's Church.  Communion will be celebrated Afterwards members of the community choose a nearby restaurant for lunch.  All welcome.

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