Good Friday
St Andrews Church 30 The Terrace, Wellington, 6011, Wellington, The Terrace, New ZealandGathering to mark Good Friday around the theme of the Stations of the Cross. Trish McBride leads a team from the St Andrew's Community
Lectures held at St Andrew's are organised by the St Andrew’s Trust for the Study of Religion and Society
Gathering to mark Good Friday around the theme of the Stations of the Cross. Trish McBride leads a team from the St Andrew's Community
St Andrew's Church. We celebrate the new life which Easter Day represents. All welcome. Gathering led by Susan Jones
An informal group which meets over a cuppa to talk and provide friendship. All welcome. 10.30-11.00, free chat. Between 11-12 noon, the talk takes the form of a talking circle.
A small group of people who meditate or participate in silent Centering Prayer for 30 minutes. All welcome.
Sunday Gathering, the first in the Easter Season, celebrating a spirituality of life. Led by Susan Jones.
A small group of people who meditate or participate in silent Centering Prayer for 30 minutes. All welcome.
The second Sunday Gathering after Easter, led by Susan Jones
The third Sunday Gathering after Easter led by Susan Jones with Communion and welcoming of newcomers to the St Andrew's Community. Followed by lunch at a nearby restaurant for those who want to join in.
Pentecost Sunday. 10am
A small group of people who meditate or participate in silent Centering Prayer for 30 minutes. All welcome.
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