Lectures held at St Andrew's are organised by the St Andrew’s Trust for the Study of Religion and Society

Maundy Thursday

St Andrews Church 30 The Terrace, Wellington, 6011, Wellington, The Terrace, New Zealand

In St Andrew's Church.  Gathering to mark Maundy Thursday.  Includes a simple communion and may include washing of each other's hands.  Led by Susan Jones

Easter 4 Spirituality of Life (3)

St Andrews Church 30 The Terrace, Wellington, 6011, Wellington, The Terrace, New Zealand

The third Sunday Gathering after Easter led by Susan Jones with Communion and welcoming of newcomers to the St Andrew's Community.  Followed by lunch at a nearby restaurant for those who want to join in.

Community Brunch – all welcome

St Andrews Church 30 The Terrace, Wellington, 6011, Wellington, The Terrace, New Zealand

Community Brunch follows in the Hall after the Sunday Gathering.  bring some finger food to share and even if you can't please come.

Pentecost 4 – Communion. Just a cup of water

Pentecost 4 is Communion Sunday.  We consider Jesus' instructions to help even the most insignificant people - those who do not have a lot of power to wield or great wealth.  Just a cup of water can make a difference.  We consider the implications of that as we gather for communion this week.  Susan Jones […]

Pentecost 9 Peace Sunday

St Andrews Church 30 The Terrace, Wellington, 6011, Wellington, The Terrace, New Zealand

Paul Barber and others will lead us in reflecting on peace particularly in relation to nuclear armament issues.  We will celebrate NZ's positive involvement in recent UN decisions about nuclear disarmament.  Communion will also be celebrated.

Creation 1 (Pentecost 13) Forest Sunday

St Andrews Church 30 The Terrace, Wellington, 6011, Wellington, The Terrace, New Zealand

Today we begin the season of Creation and Susan leads the Gathering.  We focus on 'Forest' and what that means spiritually and environmentally to us and the planet.  We also celebrate communion together

Pentecost 17 Reformation 101 & Communion

St Andrews Church 30 The Terrace, Wellington, 6011, Wellington, The Terrace, New Zealand

"Why? What theological changes led to the Protestant Reformation?"  We begin our October Reformation series reflecting on the changes in theology which led to the Reformation.  We also celebrate communion (Itself a hot topic in Reformation times!)

Sunday Gathering Lent Three

St Andrews Church 30 The Terrace, Wellington, 6011, Wellington, The Terrace, New Zealand

Susan Jones will lead the Gathering for the third Sunday in Lent.  Communion will be celebrated.  Rev Dr Sir Lloyd Geering will preach to celebrate his 100th birthday the week before

Sunday Gathering Epiphany 8 2019

St Andrews Church 30 The Terrace, Wellington, 6011, Wellington, The Terrace, New Zealand

Today's Gathering includes communion.  It is led by Rev Dr Susan Jones.  During the Gathering tribute will be paid to the Don Borrie Memorial Scholarship which facilitates work in North Korea.  the Gathering is followed by the monthly congregational conversation.

Sunday Gathering

St Andrews Church 30 The Terrace, Wellington, 6011, Wellington, The Terrace, New Zealand

  Feeling Lost?  Reflection on the Lost Son story for the 5th Sunday in Lent

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