Pentecost 12 How my Thinking has Changed (2)

Sonia Groes Petrie reflects on how her thinking has changed.  This follows Margaret Rushbrook from last week and three retired ministers on the same topic in February.

Pentecost 11 How my thinking has Changed (1)

Margaret Rushbrook reflects on how her thinking has changed in this first of two such Gatherings featuring two of the lay women in St Andrew’s on The Terrace faith community.  This follows the series of three Gatherings with three retired ministers on the same...

Pentecost 10

Rev Dr Jim Cunningham will lead the Gathering this week as Susan is on leave.
Pentecost 3  Matariki

Pentecost 3 Matariki

This time of year, the Maori new year is dated from the rise of the constellation which Maori call Matariki and westerners call the Pleiades.  The Hebrew scripture reading this week is of the eviction of Hagar and Ishmael whose long journey to Egypt could well have...
Words, words, words

Words, words, words

“words, words, words, I am so sick of words.” Eliza Dolittle, My Fair Lady.   Blogs are tricky things.  We get to throw our opinions into cyberspace.  Depending how busy people are, we may get away with them without comment.  This doesn’t mean other readers don’t...

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