October 1, 2017


This week begins our series on the reformation as Susan Jones discusses what theological changes led to the Protestant Reformation.


We are not the only people who change our thinking
500 years ago this month, Martin Luther stated his changed thinking
We might not nail our ideas to the church door
We might use Facebook or a blog or a reflection
But, like Luther, we grow and change and develop
Following the spiritual journey as he did, and others
before us
Today we ponder why Luther and others made the changes they did
And what that means for us today

PROCESSIONAL HYMN ‘All People That on Earth Do Hear’
Words © Susan Jones. Tune: WOV 10
All people that on earth do hear
this parish has for all these years
known all the numinous delight
of faithful Love, transforming Light

Scots brought their faith to Petone Beach
and celebrated Love’s wide reach
from 1840; worship’s been
our way to ground Christ in our scene.

And many here found their first faith
which morphs as we new meanings make
God has been constant and aloof
weaving in us both warp and woof.

O’er all our worship and our moods
Wairua Tapu always broods
forgiving ill, willing to heal;
Hosting at each communion meal.

For all who’ve gathered here to pray
for worshippers, and music played
for liturgy and Word preached true
we thank those faithful, brave first few. Amen

Kia ora tatou.
Kia ora.

ORGAN SOLO ‘Erhalt uns, Herr, bei deinem Wort’
Trans ‘Sustain us, Lord with your word’
Organist Peter Franklin

We are birthed from energy and stardust
flung into the world with
all the ‘glory of the power that is love.’
May we creatively furnish the world
with grace and love, beauty and justice.
May our actions together provide what the world needs.
May we share with others what we have produced
so all can grow and flourish.
May the knots which bind us be unravelled,
as we release ourselves and others from the tangle of past mistakes.
May we remain true to purpose,
alert to the all the possibilities of such a time as this.
In all we do, may faith, hope and love abide,
with the greatest of these being love.
So may it be



We hope you will enjoy using the new activity bags here at the front of the church and have fun while you are doing it! We bless you. Amen.

Feel free to pass the peace with those nearby or move to greet others further away. Passing the peace consists of shaking hands and saying “Peace be with you.” The response is “Peace be with you” or just “And with you.” Or, simply saying ‘Hello” is a good idea. Also feel free to simply observe if you wish!

THE WORD IN TEXTS Wendy Matthews

Hebrew Bible Micah 6: 6-9a

Epistle Ephesians 2: 4-10

Contemporary Reading “Christianity undergoes revolution every 500 years.
Including now!”

Q: What happens to the church during this giant rummage sale?
Tickle: During these times of rearrangement and upheaval, the institutionalized church throws off things that are restricting its growth. When that mighty upheaval happens, history shows that at least three things always happen.
First, a new, more vital form of Christianity emerges. Second, the organized expression of Christianity, which up until then had been the dominant one, is reconstituted into a more pure and less ossified expression of its former self. During the Protestant Reformation, both the reformers, and those they are reacting against, ended up being better churches.
Finally, every time the incrustations of an overly established Christianity is broken open, the faith has spread dramatically, thereby increasing the range and depth of the church’s reach. Following the Protestant Reformation, Christianity was spread over far more of the earth’s territories than had ever been true in the past.
Every religion is subject to becoming encrusted and institutionalized over time. It appears to take the Abrahamic faiths—Christianity, Judaism and Islam—about 500 years before people rebel and seek reform. When that happens, new and vigorous expressions of faith break out, breaking the moulds that have held them and scattering the pieces.

Q. What are people looking for during this Great Emergence?
Tickle: People are looking for a new and different encounter with God. The strength of Protestantism was its rationalism—it took religion to the head. But today people want religion that also touches their hearts. It’s not anti-intellectual; mind and reason are still very important. But people want more than just an intellectual challenge. They want something that moves them emotionally, as well. It is bringing the heart and the head together.
One characteristic of this emergent view of the church is a return to, and recovery of, liturgy and connectedness to church history. Many western Christians have acted like the first 1,500 years of the church never happened—they start in the 1500s with Martin Luther and go from there. But there is a rich tradition of church fathers and mothers who lived faithfully and thoughtfully between those two events. The emergent church is going back to that time and finding deep meaning as they use those old prayers and litanies in worship, along with things like the
Book of Common Prayer.

For the Word in scripture,
for the Word among us,
for the Word within us,
we give thanks

REFLECTION ‘Why Reformation? Susan Jones

Response: So may it be Amen
We recognise and bless the gifts brought to the table, and those which wing
their way electronically from our banks to the church’s account.

People share notices and visitors are welcomed. If you have a notice, please move to the front row, ready to speak briefly from the lectern.
For the benefit of newcomers, please introduce yourself before you begin.


We think today of the people of Cape Verde, Guinea-Bissau, Gambia and Mauritania and the Gambia Christian Council. In New Zealand, we think today of those who have lost their place in New Zealand’s political landscape and those who have found it. We also think of those who must negotiate a stable coalition in the light of September’s election. Here in the Central Presbytery, we pray for the leaders and people of St Luke’s Uniting Church, Rongotea.

In this sacred place and this special city;
for such a time as this, we are church.
We need renewal; our life needs energising
by a spirit of love and unity
with those who follow Jesus’ Way and with all people.

We yearn that this community and the city in which we live
are places where honesty and integrity dwell;
where government is open and forward looking,
beauty of all kinds is encouraged
and compassion for all is our default position.

May this faith community work courageously to effect change;
May our actions follow our intentions;
and may our belief in justice and peace, inclusion and compassion
be the strong impulse
of both our reflection and our work.
So may it be

St Andrew’s is an open community and all are invited to Christ’s table.
Wherever you are on your faith's journey, wherever you have come from and wherever you are going to, whatever you believe, whatever you do not believe, you are welcome to participate in the communion. This is God’s meal for all people.

COMMUNION HYMN ‘Each day we journey’
Words © Susan Jones Music WOV 48 Finlandia
Each day we journey with a much loved friend
the days are long, the path beneath us wends -
up hill and down to valleys deep and frightening
where night falls quickly, courage must be found.
The path unfolds, we walk with our companion
who knows the way, the place to where we’re bound.

Here on this path we need someone to feed us -
the living bread which nourishes our soul;
to give us wine which slakes our thirst and buoys us,
for each new day, some trial may unfold.
At this broad table, gathered round together
we all are fed and blessed and so made bold.
This table round allows each one to gather,
there are no corners where we might get lost.
Each one is equal, each one loved, accepted
For each the cup, the space, the love, the host.
Gen’rous the sharing, all get more than crumbs;
in all we’re given, we gain love the most.


HYMN ‘The Church Needs a Foundation’ ‘The church needs a foundation’
Words: © Susan Jones Music: WOV 385 Aurelia
The church needs a foundation
though not of brick or stone
for buildings are but shelter
from rain or hailstorm.
They symbolise commitment,
they resonate with praise
but humans form the true church
in these postmodern days.

Through Christendom’s great worship
the rafters have been wrung,
we’ve gazed at stained glass windows,
made sure the brass has shone.
We’ve consecrated, maintained
we’ve renovated, but
Religion’s modern rituals
are those postmoderns cut.

God’s commonwealth of spirit
is not built out of wood
but by our follow’ng Jesus
with praxis that is good.
Postmodern ‘church’ emerges
in fresh expressions, new,
with talk and acts of justice,
compassion which is true.

In our time we now follow -
Jesus upon the Way,
on terms for us authentic,
and honest for this day.
We see our ‘church’ re-forming,
the Spirit helps it grow;
We see again a future
where faith will always flow.



POSTLUDE ‘War March of the Priests’
by Mendelssohn ( 1809 – 1847)

THANK YOU Thank you to Peter Franklin
Our musician today

Unless otherwise specified all our music is used by permission CCLI Licence 3341550
Words/music to new hymns and gathering statement, prayers and affirmation are original unless acknowledged. If Susan Jones is the worship leader any liturgy will have been written by her. These words can be used in other worship and small group situations without seeking permission. Please acknowledge the source.


Write the Thank You here

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