December 24, 2017
Christmas Eve 2017
'Cantique de Noel'
Wherever you are on your faith's journey, wherever you have come from
and wherever you are going to, whatever you believe, whatever you do not believe,
you are welcome here.
In the classrooms of Lebanon, young refugees have energy and hope. Far from the war that has torn Syria to shreds, one student is keen to answer the latest maths problem. Syria’s students are worried about their future and with good support are determined to learn and have some fun. Living cramped in small spaces with few resources, they dream of a future where there is enough food, water and electricity for their families and neighbours.
In the battle for survival, their voices like others in areas of high conflict or widespread poverty are often lost. Many of these young people know only conflict and the daily fear of not getting enough to eat. They have watched as forces stronger than them have tried to resolve differences with words of division and violence, or destroyed the land of its vitality and life force. Their dreams of good food, clean water and safety are in danger as our world fractures along lines of wealth, ethnicity and power. We need to listen to their words to find the seeds of hope in the war zones of our planet.
CWS partners working in these communities start with the most vulnerable people – children, older people and those with disabilities. They want to make sure that the people with the fewest resources have the basics for living and a say over their future. They want to do what is good for the land and the sea.
From war torn South Sudan to the rising tides of the Pacific Ocean, CWS partners are determined to forge a way forward. Young Palestinian and Syrian refugees attend school or extra classes to learn skills that will increase opportunities. In South India, Dalit women who have been elected to their local panchayat or councils are trained so they deliver safe water or the protection of street lighting to the communities that elected them. Filipinos plant many times more trees and root crops than they lost in the 2013 typhoon as a cushion against dangerous weather events.
This year’s Christmas Appeal highlights the successes of five of our partners who are changing their community’s story from loss and despair to one of hope. Listening to the voices of those who have survived violence, disaster and hardship, we can find the energy to stand alongside people who need food, water and justice.
SOLO ‘O Holy Night’
Sung by Georgia Gray
Cantique de Noël is a well-known Christmas carol composed by Adolphe Adam in 1847 to the French poem "Minuit, chrétiens" (Midnight, Christians) written by a wine merchant and poet, Placide Cappeau (1808–1877).
GATHERING Words from the Gospel of John, Ch 1.
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God,
and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning.
Through him all things were made;
without him nothing was made that has been made.
In him was life, and that life was the light of humankind.
The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.
The true light that gives light to everyone was coming into the world.
He was in the world, and though the world was made through him,
the world did not recognize him.
He came to that which was his own, but his own did not receive him.
Yet to all who did receive him, to those who believed in his name,
he gave the right to become children of God
children born not of natural descent, nor human decision… but born of God.
The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us.
We have seen his glory,
the glory of the one and only Son, who came … full of grace and truth.
PROCESSIONAL HYMN WOV 237 ‘Once in Royal David’s City’
Words: Cecil Frances Alexander (1818-95) alt
Music: Henry John Gauntlett (1805-76)
Once in royal David’s city,
Stood a lowly cattle shed,
Where a mother laid her baby,
In a manger for his bed:
Mary was that mother mild,
Jesus Christ, her little child.
He came down to earth from heaven,
Who is God and Lord of all,
And his shelter was a stable,
And his cradle was a stall:
With the poor, and mean, and lowly,
Lived on earth our Saviour holy.
He became our lifehood’s pattern
Loving, healing, so he grew
All he met he welcomed freely
Now he welcomes me and you
Round him now we all can meet
diverse people he does greet.
And our world at last shall see him,
Through his own redeeming style;
For that child so dear and gentle,
Walks with all, the second mile
With compassion we must live
his love to all people give.
Kia ora tatou.
Kia ora.
This first candle of hope we light is to remember those whom we have loved and lost. (First candle is lit)
We pause to remember their name, their face,
their voice, the memory that binds them to us
in this season in the hope they will
continue to make a difference to our lives
May God's caring love surround them and us
This second candle of peace we light is to mend the pain of loss; the loss of relationships, loss of jobs, loss of health and home. (Second candle is lit.)
We pause to gather up the pain of the past
and offer it to God,
asking that we receive the gift of peace.
Refresh, restore, renew us we pray,
and lead us peacefully into the future
This third candle of joy we light is for ourselves. (Third candle is lit.)
We pause to remember past weeks and months and years:
the disbelief, anger and ‘down’ times,
the poignancy of reminiscing,
hugs and handshakes of family and friends,
who stood with us.
Let us remember dawn defeats darkness
for ‘joy comes in the morning’
This fourth candle of love we light is to remember
the gift of love which the Christmas story offers us. (Fourth candle is lit.)
We remember Creativity-God companions us,
sharing our life, Being-With-Us, Emmanuel
. Let us look for new possibilities now, in the present.
Spirit of God, calm our hearts
so we can hear your still, small voice.
TIME WITH THE CHILDREN (Children are invited to come to the front)
CAROL COC34 ‘Open, open the stable door’
Words and Music by Colin Gibson
Words and Music © 1993 Hope Publishing Co
Open, open, open, the stable door,
welcome, welcome, welcome, the baby's born,
enter, enter, join in the celebration, fear not, here is room for us all.
There's a flock of sheep and a cow and a donkey, welcome, welcome.
Here's a puffing shepherd, three wise men wonky, welcome, welcome. Refrain
What a crowd of folk come to see the baby, welcome, welcome.
One of them is drunk and another's crazy, welcome, welcome.
Can't afford a coat and the kids are crying, welcome, welcome.
Haven't found a friend yet, but I'm still trying, welcome, welcome.
We have waited with hope for justice and righteousness.
We have waited with peace for shalom to be felt.
We have waited with joy, celebrating what has already been done.
We have waited with love, awed by how love has been shown to us.
Tonight we light the Christ candle
to celebrate the light of Love,
coming into the world though Jesus’ birth.
(Christ candle is lit.)
The light of hope and peace, joy and love
shines from that stable so long ago
into every corner of the world,
May we sing the joy of its coming.
May we live by that light today and throughout the year,
so peace and goodwill truly transform the world.
CAROL WOV 224 ‘Joy to the World!’
Words: Isaac Watts (alt.)
Music: ‘Antioch’ G F Handel
Joy to the world! A new age dawns. It comes, shalom to bring
Let ev’ry heart prepare a room,
and heav’n and nature sing, and heav’n and nature sing,
and heav’n and heav’n and nature sing.
Joy to the world! Let justice come to all who need release;
For prisoners held in chains, the damaged and the anxious,
let them find freedom now, let them find freedom now
let them, let them find freedom now.
Graceful and true, the Saviour brings compassion all may share
for poor and homeless, so may they find
their life becomes more fair, their life becomes more fair
their life, their life becomes more fair.
The Child of peace has come to dwell among us, we share the peace with one another. Feel free to pass the peace with those nearby or move to greet others further away. Passing the peace consists of shaking hands and saying “Peace be with you.” The response is “Peace be with you” or just “And with you.” Or, simply saying ‘Hello” is a good idea. Also feel free to simply observe if you wish!
THE WORD IN TEXTS Wendy Matthews & Trish McBride
Luke 2:1 – 7 The Birth
Luke 2:8 – 14 The Angels
Luke 2:15 – 20 The Shepherds
CONTEMPORARY READING ‘Nativity’ by Peter Cape
They were set for home but the horse went lame
and the rain came pelting down out of the sky.
Joe saw the hut and he went to look,
and he said “she’s old, but she’ll keep you dry.”
So her boy was born in a roadman’s shack,
by the light of a lamp that would hardly burn.
She wrapped him up in her hubby’s coat,
and laid him down on a bed of fern.
Then they came riding out of the night,
and this is the thing that she’ll always swear,
as they took off their hats and came into the light,
they knew they were going to find her there.
She sat at the edge of the fernstalk bed,
and she watched, but she didn’t understand,
while they put those bundles by the baby’s head,
that river nugget into his hand.
Then she watched as they went through the open door,
weary as men who have ridden too far.
And the rain eased off and the low cloud broke,
and through the gap shone a single star
For the Word in scripture, for the Word among us,
for the Word of God within us, we give thanks
ST ANDREWS SINGERS ‘From pastures green’
Music by Alex Duncan. Words by PHC Lucas.
Music and Words by John Rutter
JESUS’ PRAYER Jim Cotter paraphrase
Eternal Spirit, Life -giver, Pain-bearer, Love-maker,
source of all that is and that shall be,
Father and Mother of us all, loving God, in whom is heaven.
The hallowing of your name echo through the universe!
The way of your justice be followed by all created beings!
Your commonwealth of peace and freedom come on earth!
With the bread that we need for today, feed us.
In the hurts we absorb from one another, forgive us.
In times of temptation and test, strengthen us.
From trials too great to endure, spare us.
From the grip of all that is evil, free us.
For you reign in the glory of the power that is love, now and forever. Amen.
Words: © 2016 Shirley Erena Murray
Music: William James Kirkpatrick (1838-1921). WOV 242 Cradle Song
Away and in danger, no hope of a bed,
the refugee children, no tears left to shed
look up at the night sky for someone to know
that refugee children have no place to go.
The babies are crying, their hunger awakes,
the boat is too loaded, it shudders and breaks;
humanity's wreckage is thrown out to die,
the refugee children will never know why.
Come close, little children, we hold out our hand
in rescue and welcome to shores of our land
-in aroha, touching your fear and your pain,
with dreams for your future when peace comes again.
This money is given so those in need in the Philippines, Palestine, South India, Nepal, Syria and South Sudan will get the support they need. We pray for the partner organisations who use it and make decisions about priorities.
May they have the strength and wisdom they need.
May it be so, AMEN
All are invited to Christ’s table. Wherever you are on your faith's journey, wherever you have come from, wherever you are going to, whatever you believe, whatever you do not believe, you are welcome to participate in communion, a meal for all people.
COMMUNION HYMN COC14(ii) ‘Come now, Lord Jesus’
Words © 1992 Shirley Erena Murray.
Music arr. © Roy Tankersley
Come now, Lord Jesus, enter our Christmas
be to us no stranger in this new made manger.
Come, small and human, born of a woman,
yet a child much greater of our own Creator.
Come, cold and crying, comfort denying,
in your body feeling hurt as well as healing.
Come, poor and simple, our flesh your temple
no place to receive you, few yet to believe you.
Come, gift and token, bread to be broken —
star and sign still point you, myrrh will yet anoint you.
Note that communion is served by intinction (dipping). You are invited to come to the front of the church and receive the bread, or a gluten-free cracker, taking a piece large enough to dip into the wine (silver cup) or grape juice (pottery cup). Then you are invited to eat the bread/cracker you have dipped in wine or juice. If you find moving difficult a server will roam the church, just raise your hand if you wish to be served. If you don't wish to receive communion, you are welcome to remain in your seat. We’re glad you’re here.
CAROL COC 52 ‘You are born in us again’
Words & Music © 1996 Mark Wilson
Music arr. © Shona Murray. Descant © Colin Gibson
You are born in us again.
Like the warmth of the summer wind you come,
to melt away the icicles of vanity and pride;
you come to blow the very doors of loving open wide.
Like the warmth of the summer wind you come, (repeat last line)
You are born in us again.
Like the scent of the summer rain you come.
You come to quench the thirsty and to freshen up the land;
you come to clean away the dust that’s settled in our hand.
Like the scent of summer rain you come, (repeat last line)
You are born in us again.
Like the light of the summer sun you come,
to give light to the places that have never seen the Son:
you come now to embrace us, you’re the holy, holy one.
Like the light of the summer sun you come, (repeat last line)
The light from the Christ candle is brought to the end of the rows. The first person tips their candle to receive the light. They then hold their candle upright as the next person tips their candle to receive the light and so on….
O little town of Bethlehem, how still we see you lie!
Above your deep and dreamless sleep the silent stars go by:
yet in the dark streets shines out the everlasting Light;
the hopes and fears of all the years are met in you tonight.
While shepherds watched their flocks by night, all seated on the ground,
The angel of the Lord came down, and glory shone around
‘Fear not,’ said he (for mighty dread had seized their troubled mind),
‘glad tidings of great joy I bring to you and humankind.
‘To you in David’s town this day is born of David’s line
A Saviour, who is Christ the Lord; and this shall be the sign:
‘the heavenly babe you there shall find to human view displayed,
All meanly wrapped in swaddling clothes and in a manger laid.’
COC 47 ‘When Joseph and Mary’
Words and Music © 1996 Colin Gibson
(Music over page)
When Joseph and Mary were turned from the inn
and came to a cattle shed, the animals watched as they drew near
And this is what some of them said
“They don’t belong,” huffed a billy goat strong,
And stretched himself out on his bed;
‘They’re much too big,” squealed a grumbling pig
“let them find somewhere else to be fed.”
When Joseph and Mary were turned from the inn,
and stood at the manger door,
the creatures looked up at the weary pair
from nests in the rustling straw.
“Later, not now,” mooed a cross eyed cow,
and planted her feet on the floor;
“the place is full,” roared a bellowing bull,
“you can see there’s no room here for more.”
When Joseph and Mary were turned from the inn
a barn was their bed that night;
the animals crowded around them both,
and blinked in the bright candlelight.
“Here you may sleep,” baaed a motherly sheep,
“your pillow my wool soft and white,”
“I’ll keep you warm,” hawed the ass, with a yawn,
“for a shelter is everyone’s right.”
When Joseph and Mary are turned from the inn
and look for a room once more,
we watch as they pass to some other stall
or stand in a queue for the poor.
“they don’t belong,” so it’s “hurry along”;
if charity fails, there’s the law.
“Not now,” we say; yes, they will go away
if we shut the indifferent door.
Silent night, holy night: all is calm, all is bright
round the loving mother and child, holy infant so tender and mild,
sleep in heavenly peace, sleep in heavenly peace
Silent night, holy night: wondrous star, lend your light;
with the angels let us sing ‘Alleluia’ let it ring;
Christ our Saviour is born, Christ our Saviour is born.
Carol our Christmas, an upside down Christmas;
snow is not falling and trees are not bare.
Carol the summer, and welcome the Christ child,
warm in our sunshine and sweetness of air.
Right side up Christmas belongs to the universe,
made in the moment a woman gives birth;
hope is the Jesus gift, love is the offering,
everywhere, anywhere here on the earth.
May the blessings of life be upon us all.
May the love we share bring strength and joy to our hearts,
as we live into the just reign of God,
and peace be with us all until we meet again. AMEN
RECESSIONAL CAROL WOV 228 ‘O Come, all ye faithful’
Music John Francis Wade. Public Domain
Words C. Frederick Oakeley (alt) Public Domain
O come all ye faithful, joyful and triumphant,
O come ye, O come ye to Bethlehem.
Come and behold him, born above the angels;
O come, let us adore Him, O come, let us adore Him,
O come, let us adore Him, Christ the Lord.
O sing, choirs of angels, sing in exultation,
sing all who celebrate God's holy Word.
To the Creator, glory in the Highest;
O come, let us adore Him...
This bright day, we greet you, born this happy season,
Jesus! for evermore your name be adored.
Word spoken truly, now with us appearing;
O come, let us adore Him….
THANK YOU Peter Franklin
Our Musician today
Unless otherwise stated all hymns are used by permission CCLI Licence 341550