Weekly E-news for 26 April 2024

Weekly E-news for 26 April 2024

E NEWS 26TH APRIL 2024 HAPPY 90TH BIRTHDAY TO JANICE GAULT 90 Years old is such a marvelous milestone.  Janice has been looking forward to today and will be having a celebratory dinner with her children this evening.  As we say in Samoa “ia manuia lou 90 tausaga”. ...

Weekly E-news for 19 April 2024

E NEWS 19TH APRIL 2024 Tena koutou.  Yesterday was a very busy day.  We have three people from our church currently in hospital. Jenny Simpson, Caroline Glass and Janice Gault. Janice is being discharged back to BUPA care today.  Incidentally, it will be...
Weekly E-news for 12 April 2024

Weekly E-news for 12 April 2024

E NEWS 12TH APRIL 2024 Tēnā tātou katoa.  Lynne Dovey was farewelled last night as retiring Chair of Queen Margaret College Board of Trustees.   Lynne joined the Board as a Presbytery Representative in 2016 providing a core link with the Presbyterian Church of...
Weekly E-news for 5 April 2024

Weekly E-news for 5 April 2024

E NEWS 5TH APRIL 2024 Today is Christine Wilkinson’s last day as our Parish Administrator.  We wish her well as she travels to Nepal next week on her son’s school trip as well as her future endeavours.  Thank you, Christine it has been a pleasure, working with...

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