Weekly E-news – 23 June 2023

Weekly E-news – 23 June 2023

E NEWS 23RD JUNE 2023 I returned home at 10.45pm Thursday evening after attending Central Presbytery’s induction of the new minister Rev So’osemea Faatui at Pacific Islander’s Church of Christ the King in Porirua. I was invited and honoured to preach the sermon....
Weekly E-news – 16 June 2023

Weekly E-news – 16 June 2023

E NEWS 16TH JUNE 2023 I’m writing E News while watching Late News on News Hub and saw a quick glimpse of myself on TV albeit very briefly. The Loafers Lodge Memorial Service was really beautiful. I had the honour of doing the prayers with three other Faith leaders...
Weekly E-news – 9 June 2023

Weekly E-news – 9 June 2023

E NEWS 9TH JUNE 2023 Apparently my certificate indicating that I am a minister in Good Standing within the PCANZ expired in January. I have begun my Minister’s Development Plan in order to carry out my review towards a new certificate. It’s a 10 week process I will be...

Weekly E-news – 2 June 2023

E NEWS 2 JUNE 2023 Ou te fa’atalofa atu I le Suafa o Iesu Keriso.  Greetings in the name of Jesus Christ.  Not only is this weekend Kings birthday, it is also Samoa’s 61st birthday since becaming an Independent Nation in 1962.  So celebrations are happening both in...

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