Nov 25, 2022 | Weekly e-news
“Look towards Christmas! Advent is here!” So begins Shirley Murray’s Advent Carol. And she is right. Sunday is the First Sunday in the Season of Advent. It tells us, this year, that we are four weeks away from Christmas Day. But Advent is more than that. The word...
Nov 18, 2022 | Weekly e-news
Did you see that tweet from Franklin Graham on our inclusive sign outside our church? Here is the link: Franklin Graham on Twitter: “I saw this sign at a church in Wellington, NZ, yesterday. God’s love & the Gospel have always been inclusive. Jesus Christ...
Nov 11, 2022 | Weekly e-news
A couple of years ago in the lead up to Franklin Graham Touring New Zealand I was invited to a leaders breakfast as part of the planning process. Surprisingly, I went but more to be a fly on the wall than anything else. I met a few Samoan colleagues there. After the...
Nov 4, 2022 | Weekly e-news
Back to reality after a glorious week on Yanuca Island in Fiji a mixture of rain and overcast on the first 3 days and then 3 wonderful sunny days to swim and lounge about. Fiji was the first time that I was able to see my nephew Lucas, his family and his mother –...