Sep 24, 2021 | Weekly e-news
In these COVID days it seems important to make the most of opportunities as we do not know when we will have them again. So we will be back in the church this Sunday. Together. This could be a ‘mountain top’ experience after weeks of the challenge of technology. I...
Sep 17, 2021 | Weekly e-news
Just when we thought that Spring was upon us, winter sneaked up behind us and let us know it hadn’t gone. A bit like COVID– just when we think it’s nearly finished something happens to set us back. We are certainly having to learn to live at a different pace and in...
Sep 10, 2021 | Weekly e-news
It’s good that we have got to Level 2 – but we look forward to getting to Level 1. Life isn’t easy for many people at the moment – but remember the restrictions are for our safety – not a punishment. We need to be as careful as possible in what we do to keep...
Sep 3, 2021 | Weekly e-news
Welcome to Spring! Its been good to be able to get out in the sun and have a (covid) walk! Its also been good having a few hours in the garden. Spring is here with its promise of new life and more warmth and points us towards summer. But in all that we must...