Mar 26, 2021 | Weekly e-news
Well, here we are, nearly at the end of Lent. Sunday takes us into Holy Week and all that means. On Sunday The Parish Council will lead our Palm Sunday worship based on reading, symbols and music for Holy Week. On Maundy Thursday there will be a quiet meditative...
Mar 19, 2021 | Weekly e-news
On Sunday I will be doing part 2 of The Last Week. It will cover some of the material for Good Friday, Easter Saturday and Easter Sunday. I hope you find this 2 part series helpful in understanding the events of the last week in Jesus’ life and ministry. There are...
Mar 12, 2021 | Weekly e-news
On Sunday I plan to base my reflection on that passage in John’s Gospel that says that some Greeks came to Philip and Andrew and said they wanted to meet Jesus. One thing I will say is that this story was enacted over and over again in the early Church when non-Jews...
Mar 5, 2021 | Weekly e-news
Good morning! Doesn’t time pass quickly. On Sunday we are at the Third Sunday in Lent! I have been reading, for the second time, a book by Marcus Borg and John Dominic Crossan entitled “THE LAST WEEK’. Its sub-title is: “What the Gospel’s really teach about...