Feb 22, 2019 | Weekly e-news
Hello everyone, A drippy day today but the gardeners amongst us are probably happy! On Wed 20th, a Prayer Vigil in St Paul’s marked 50 years of NZ Council of Christian Social Services. www.nzccss.org.nz Trish McBride, Lois Robertson and Jeni Bryant worked on a...
Feb 15, 2019 | Weekly e-news
Hello everyone, Two important people died this week. Our own Margaret Megwyn died naturally, in her sleep. Judith McKinlay, a former Old Testament teacher of mine died a few days earlier. Both women suffered chronic conditions. In dying when they did, they’ve...
Feb 1, 2019 | Weekly e-news
Hello everyone, Is it too late to say Happy New Year? Today is my first day back in 2019. A little cooler than some days we’ve been having! The inbox claims one’s attention, and one or two tasks left over from 2018. But let’s not think about all that just yet! On...