Sep 21, 2018 | Weekly e-news
Hello everyone This week has seen the 125th anniversary of the granting of the vote to New Zealand women. There are interesting differences across the world in the degree to which women were extended political rights: below is an edited summary of the suffrage...
Sep 14, 2018 | Weekly e-news
Hello everyone, The Progressive Christianity Conference last weekend, which many of you attended, was a great success. The Evaluation forms read pretty happily and we didn’t have too many hiccoughs in the programme. We were fortunate to get a generous slice of time...
Sep 7, 2018 | Weekly e-news
Hello everyone, The culmination of months of planning is happening this weekend with the 2018 Progressive Christianity Conference. I am grateful to the hardworking committee who debated menus and arrangements, speakers and workshops, parking and bookstalls. Now, as...