Jun 8, 2018 | Weekly e-news
Hello everyone, Further to my e news last week thanking volunteers, we are to farewell on Sunday another quiet leader-volunteer – Colma Froggatt. Colma and her husband Paul are moving to Tauranga. We wish them well, though as time develops we will see more and more...
Jun 6, 2018 | Community, Social Justice
Years ago Bob Eyles and then Lloyd Geering wrote about the Greening of Christianity – calling the church to be more conscious of caring for creation. The 10 principles in Lloyd’s monograph form the framework for a stimulating seminar at St Andrew’s...
Jun 1, 2018 | Weekly e-news
If she had not died when she was 79, my mother would have been 100 years old today. Born in 1918 at the end of World War I, her other ‘brush’ with war was meeting and marrying my navigator pilot father in Blackpool England, in 1946, between VE Day and VJ Day. She...