Apr 27, 2018 | Weekly e-news
Hello everyone, This Sunday is the anniversary of the signing of the Treaty of Waitangi in the Wellington Harbour. 29th of April is Wellington’s ‘Waitangi Day’. Since this year it is a Sunday, we have guests coming. The whole congregation of Te Kakano o te Aroha is...
Apr 27, 2018 | Community, Social Justice
Hello people, Recent press about the religious convictions of a prominent sports person is still reverberating. Still uncritical readings of the Bible are alive and well in our society. More discernment is needed. For the good of everyone’s health. The...
Apr 20, 2018 | Weekly e-news
Kia ora Te Whanau Numerous people have commented to me recently about how much they enjoy our community activities. Whether it is the Sunday gathering, cuppa and chat, centering prayer, Spirited Conversations or lunchtime concerts, people love what is on offer! They...
Apr 14, 2018 | Community, Social Justice
From 2pm on Friday May 18, you are invited to join us for Tea and The Terrace to celebrate Pink Shirt Day. Tell your friends, work colleagues and relations. Everyone welcome. Contact the office for further information or to speak to the organiser, Sue McRae. ...
Apr 13, 2018 | Weekly e-news
Hello everyone, This week I went on your behalf to deliver an oral submission on the Births Deaths Marriages and Relationships Registration Amendment Bill. Some have asked if they should have come too but actually the room was full of submitters! A couple also made...