Jun 30, 2017 | Weekly e-news
Hello everyone, I get the most interesting email invitations. One this week was to a lecture by the Rt Hon Helen Clark presented by UnionAID UnionAID is a charity run by NZ unions which organises, mentors, trains and teaches workers in Asia so they know their rights...
Jun 25, 2017 | Sunday Gathering
This time of year, the Maori new year is dated from the rise of the constellation which Maori call Matariki and westerners call the Pleiades. The Hebrew scripture reading this week is of the eviction of Hagar and Ishmael whose long journey to Egypt could well have...
Jun 23, 2017 | Minister’s Musings, Spirituality
“words, words, words, I am so sick of words.” Eliza Dolittle, My Fair Lady. Blogs are tricky things. We get to throw our opinions into cyberspace. Depending how busy people are, we may get away with them without comment. This doesn’t mean other readers don’t...
Jun 18, 2017 | Sunday Gathering
This Sunday we commemorate both Disability Sunday and Refugee Sunday. In each case, we are plunged into a world where it might be easy to feel abandoned and alone, desolate in fact. Jesus said we would never be left desolate and as we reflect on these two...
Jun 17, 2017 | Minister’s Musings
I had one of those conversations today which roam far and wide and bring you a perspective which opens your eyes and tips your thinking into a new world view. It was about waking up. I’d read Anthony de Mello’s call for us to ‘wake up’, that we are in a walking...