May 14, 2017 | Sunday Gathering
This week in our Spirituality and Life series we look at life giving prayer and how we might pray differently depending on whether we see God as primarily transcendent or immanent. Order of service 2017-05-15 Easter 5 Spirituality of L2017-05-15 Life and Breath...
May 12, 2017 | Weekly e-news
Hello everyone on a drizzly Wellington day, The builders next door are as noisy as ever this week, but the second half of July is confirmed as a final month for construction – yes, July 2017! We, together with the NZMA, look forward to the day! Last night I heard...
May 8, 2017 | Weekly e-news
Human Flourishing Hello humans! This weekend SATRS (St Andrews Trust for the Study of Religion and Society) presents a Fri/Sat seminar. If you get this Friday morning, you’ll have time to attend the Friday night (free) session. Or come on Saturday anyway. Lunchtime...
May 7, 2017 | Sunday Gathering
This week we look at how a spirituality of life works in community. The community here at St Andrew’s is a boon to many who attend here. It provides companionship, friendship and support in different ways, as well as a Gathering place each week when topics of...