Apr 21, 2017 | Minister’s Musings, Weekly e-news
Weekly update from our Minister, Rev Dr Susan Jones
and a look at what is happening at St Andrew’s this week.
Apr 13, 2017 | Minister’s Musings, Weekly e-news
Hello! It is Easter! Through the magic of the church year, the small baby whose birth we celebrated only a few months ago, has grown up, packing approximately 33 years of living into approximately 4 months. I wonder if the 33 years passed quickly for his mother as...
Apr 7, 2017 | Minister’s Musings, Weekly e-news
Hello on a sunny day after the final flick of Debbie’s tail, Even with the increasing size of the building out my window I can see the sun is shining out there in Wellington. What a lift to the spirits after the rain and greyness of the last few days. I also have a...
Mar 29, 2017 | Minister’s Musings, Spirituality
Our new website spurs me to a new blog. Welcome! I am Susan Jones, minister at St Andrew’s on The Terrace. I muse a lot. Life is what stirs me to muse. Being human. Being a human being searching for divine moments and fragments scattered around our world. Next door...