Weekly E-news for 1 March 2024

Weekly E-news for 1 March 2024

E NEWS 1ST MARCH 2024 Our Founder’s Day Anniversary on the Pitione Foreshore last had a good attendance.  Unfortunately Te Kakano o te Aroha had put the wrong date down and thought it was the following week.  We continued on anyway in the beautiful sun but blustery...
Weekly E-news for 23 February 2024

Weekly E-news for 23 February 2024

E-NEWS 23 FEBRUARY 2024 I do recall that the words in my last E News before I went to Samoa was “hope you have an uneventful 2 weeks!”.  Maybe you did but I certainly didn’t.  I should eat my words. Words cannot describe the heartbreak I have experienced over these...
Weekly E-news for 16 February 2024

Weekly E-news for 16 February 2024

E-NEWS 16 FEBRUARY 2024 This coming Sunday 18 February we have a special guest who will be preaching. But first some context. Cast your minds back four years. We were hearing more and more reports about the mysterious new virus found in China, which the World Health...
Weekly E-news for 9 February 2024

Weekly E-news for 9 February 2024

E-news 9 February 2024 This past week has had the focus of Waitangi and Te Tiriti o Waitangi. Fei gave us a good introduction last week, bring us up to date with some of the latest scholarship, giving a clear message of it’s place in making Aotearoa  New Zealand the...
Weekly E-news for 4 February 2024

Weekly E-news for 4 February 2024

E NEWS 2 FEBRUARY 2024 Morena e hoa ma, I trust all is well with you all. Dear Safaira, my brother’s mother-in-law and dear friend that I visited last Wednesday in Auckland passed away on Tuesday morning. I’m glad her pain and suffering was not prolonged. Fortunately,...
Weekly E-news for 26 January 2024

Weekly E-news for 26 January 2024

E NEWS 26TH JANUARY 2024 Kia ora e te whanau. Well I’m sitting at gate 31 at Auckland airport beginning my E News for this week and hoping it will be finished by the time I reach Wellington.   Lucky my flight ticket was a flexible one because after my UCANZ...

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