Easter 2 Spirituality and Life – Life and War

Easter 2 Spirituality and Life – Life and War

The second Sunday after Easter this year is the Sunday before Anzac Day.  So we reflected on how Anzac Day seemed to people of different approaches.  Harriet Dawson spoke about her grandfather imprisoned as a conscientious objector and Pat Booth spoke about her three...
Easter Day 2017

Easter Day 2017

Today we celebrate the new life which Easter brings.  We reflect on whether the source of the spirituality of Life is in Easter Day alone or whether it has its roots further back perhaps even in the Good Friday experiences which provide the compost in which the seeds...
Spirituality Blog (1) Holy Saturday 2017

Spirituality Blog (1) Holy Saturday 2017

Easter Saturday is a good day to start a spirituality blog.  For all the drama of Good Friday and the celebratory joy of Sunday, I think Easter Saturday is under rated. True, we do well to acknowledge the horror of death on Friday.  In our own lives we find it...
Good Friday

Good Friday

Every second year the Good Friday meditations are focused on the 14 stations of the cross using the paintings mounted around the walls of the church.  A group of people, led by Trish McBride, assisted by Sonia Groes-Petrie contributed to each station Order of service...
Lent Six Palm Sunday  ‘Palms and Passion’

Lent Six Palm Sunday ‘Palms and Passion’

This week we celebrate the entry of Jesus into Jerusalem.  The first part of the Gathering focuses on the experience of the crowd’s enthusiasm and welcome.  The second part of the Gathering concentrates on the passion shown by the woman who anointed Jesus.  Will...

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