Advent 4: Carol Service

Advent 4: Carol Service

Advent Four is our New Zealand Carol Service which has few traditional carols, only an altered  ‘Once in Royal David’s City’.  Susan looks at the way our nicely ‘coherent’ nativity story is actually spread over Matthew and Luke. The way...
Advent 3: Rainbow Room service

Advent 3: Rainbow Room service

The Rainbow Room children led this Gathering, under the leadership of Chris Carey-Smith. We heard about the legend of St Nicholas and the children acted out a Nativity scene as well as dramatising the story ‘Uncle Ry and the Moon’. Chris reflected on the...
Advent 2:The risk of guarding new life

Advent 2:The risk of guarding new life

On the Second Sunday in Advent, we reflected on Joseph’s ability to change his mind, influenced by a dream. Also how Mary and Joseph stepped outside their known boundaries to guard their baby boy. When you start a new venture you can’t know how it will...
Advent 1 and St Andrew’s Day

Advent 1 and St Andrew’s Day

Today is the first Sunday of Advent. We also celebrated St Andrew’s Day with a piper playing Amazing Grace (see new words). Susan reflected on ‘the ordinary and the small’. Andrew did an ‘ordinary’ thing bringing his brother to Jesus. The...

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