Conflict, War and Peace

Conflict, War and Peace

Hello everyone, This weekend we consider the ending of one of the bloodiest conflicts in western history. One summary reads: “Contemporaneously described as “the war to end all wars”, [WWI] it led to the mobilisation of more than 70 million military...
How do they hear without someone to tell them?

How do they hear without someone to tell them?

Hello everyone, Today Lynne Dovey and I went to Queen Margaret College Assembly to hand over your centenary gift to them.  The St Andrew’s mirror looked lovely on the stage. As I walked into the Hall three students were spontaneously and wholeheartedly admiring...
Happy Labour Weekend

Happy Labour Weekend

Hello everyone, It is a transitional time.  Wellington is doing its usual stutter into Spring – blowing cold one day and warm the next.  Also, we are in the midst of making our farewells.  Thank you to the cluster group hosts who have fitted another...
Vision is Everything

Vision is Everything

Hello everyone, I can’t express to everyone how much of a difference having the new AV screens in church has made.  Before, because the church is so heavily booked, it was usually not possible to put up the screen and data projector before Sunday morning and...
Awe and Wonder, Risk and Safety

Awe and Wonder, Risk and Safety

Hello everyone Last night I went to the NZSO concert on a freebie ticket.  It was a school holiday programme with short, humorous pieces.  ‘Toy’ instruments were used, including short lengths of brightly coloured plastic pipe swirled above the musicians...

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