Weekly news for Friday 11th September

Weekly news for Friday 11th September

This week in the Season of Creation we focus on rivers.  Rivers are a transient state of water.  Water evaporating off the vast oceans of this planet of ours form clouds of water vapour, which in turn condense as rain to flow from catchments forming rivers...
Weekly news for Friday 4 September

Weekly news for Friday 4 September

Kia ora e te whānau, How exciting it is to come to this Season of Creation. We notice that there is change – the length of daylight seems to increase quite noticeably every day and certainly every week. And we have the opportunity over the next four Sundays to think...
Weekly news for Friday 28 August 2020

Weekly news for Friday 28 August 2020

Kia ora e te whānau, Theologian Paul Tillich wrote that genuine love will always appear to some as a kind of extravagant waste. Niki will be reflecting this coming Sunday on the story of the woman anointing Jesus with precious perfume, this action too, seen by...
Weekly news for Friday 21 August 2020

Weekly news for Friday 21 August 2020

Kia ora e te whānau, Uncertainty brings out the worst in us sometimes. We are back at alert level 3 in Auckland, with a large cluster of people with COVID-19. I’m sure, like me, you’ve been alarmed at the spread of misinformation and prejudice over social media. When...
Weekly News for Friday 14 August 2020

Weekly News for Friday 14 August 2020

Kia ora te Whānau This week;s Gospel reading is the story of the meeting between Jesus and the Canaanite Woman. It is an interesting story with a “them and us” feel in it.Jesus says he came for the children of the House of Israel ONLY.The woman...

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