Nov 20, 2020 | Weekly e-news
Hi St Andrew’s, I had just finished putting the first coat of paint on the kitchen walls when the phone rang and I was reminded that I was doing the e-news this week! Whoops! I don’t mind painting walls – but ceilings are a pain in the neck –...
Nov 13, 2020 | Weekly e-news
Thanks to all those members of the Parish who attended the Annual General last Sunday 8 November and those who sent their apologies. It was wonderful to see such a good turn out. If you don’t have a copy of the Annual Report yet and would like to receive one please...
Nov 6, 2020 | Weekly e-news
I have decided not to write about the theme of Sunday’s service (Nov 8). If you are just a tiny bit curious it will be that bit in Matthew that talks about five wise and five foolish virgins. It’s not a favourite of mine and actually I suspect what I intend...
Oct 30, 2020 | Weekly e-news
Tēnā koutou e te whānau, This week I gave a presentation on how stigma affects me as a mental health professional with lived experience of mental distress. Sharing my own experiences brought up some feelings of anxiety beforehand, and vulnerability afterwards. These...
Oct 23, 2020 | Weekly e-news
Tena tatou whanau katoa. What have you been working on this week? What’s been your mahi? One of the enjoyable things about working on a service of wor(th)ship is discovering websites and writing that, as a layperson, I don’t often spend time with. A pithy quote I’ve...