Weekly News for Friday 5th March 2021

Weekly News for Friday 5th March 2021

Good morning!  Doesn’t time pass quickly.  On Sunday we are at the Third Sunday in Lent!  I have been reading, for the second time, a book by Marcus Borg and John Dominic Crossan entitled “THE LAST WEEK’.  Its sub-title is: “What the Gospel’s really teach about...
Weekly news for Friday 26th February 2021

Weekly news for Friday 26th February 2021

When I looked out my window early this morning a heavy fog was shrouding my harbour view.   A rather dismal sight.   But now it is lifting and I am hopeful for a brighter day. This Sunday’s Service will be an extra musical one.  There is something universal about...
Weekly News for Friday 19th February 2021

Weekly News for Friday 19th February 2021

Kia ora te Whānau   First, a message from Rev Ross Scott who is leading worship on Sunday.   Lent has arrived. And it got me thinking about last year and the way we were given a form of Lent. The lockdown.  Not exactly forty days but then lent is a bit more...
Weekly News for Friday 12th February

Weekly News for Friday 12th February

Morena! This Sunday we will be reflecting together on the Transfiguration, the story from Mark’s Gospel which describes how  the three disciples Peter, James and John experience a vision of  an illuminated Jesus in conversation with Moses and Elijah. Visions can...
Weekly News for Friday 5th February

Weekly News for Friday 5th February

You can “Google” Six Honest serving men to get the whole poem. However these six words provide us with a good start in trying to understand passages of scripture. WHAT kind of literature am  I reading?  Is it prose or poetry or proverb or apocalyptic or history?  Our...

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