Weekly news for Friday 18 June 2021

Weekly news for Friday 18 June 2021

e-news Friday 18th June 2021 In these days as it gets colder as we get closer to the Winter Solstice I sometimes envy those animals that hibernate for the winter!  Wouldn’t it be nice to have a long sleep through these cold rainy days and wake up in the Spring? But no...
Weekly News for Friday 11 June 2021

Weekly News for Friday 11 June 2021

Kia ora te Whānau June heralds a feast of cultural events – the Jazz Festival, the French Film Festival, the orchestral season and many more. Yesterday afternoon I spent an enjoyable two hours listening to choirs at the Big Sing Regional Contest. It’s always a...
Weekly news for Friday 4 June 2021

Weekly news for Friday 4 June 2021

Here we are the first week in June and it is a time which evokes a whole range of thoughts and reactions. Classically it is said to indicate a change of season – moving from the end of autumn to the beginning of winter. That means that it can create considerably...
Weekly news for Friday 28 May 2021

Weekly news for Friday 28 May 2021

My isn’t the year passing quickly!  Tuesday brings us to the first day of winter and three weeks from the shortest day.  It makes us aware of the passing of time and the changes it brings.  It is also a time when our perspective changes a little.  Up till now, as we...
Weekly News for Friday 21 May 2021

Weekly News for Friday 21 May 2021

The Service at St Andrew’s this Sunday will be a celebratory one.  May 23 is PENTECOST Sunday. What are we celebrating?? In John 14:16-17 Jesus told his disciples that the Holy Spirit would come after Him: “And I will ask the Father and he will give you another...

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