Welcome to the last day of summer. Do those words make you feel sad? I always look forward to the first day of spring, the first day of summer but not the last day of summer. I know for everyone the feelings are different. Many people love autumn and winter. I guess all four seasons have their beautiful aspects as well as their depressing aspects. I’m not sure how much of a summer we can say we have had this time, seemed to me to be quite cool and cold a lot of time. Let’s see if the heat hangs over before the coolness steps in.
Unfortunately, I was unable to attend our presentation of our Treaty submission with Cam Smart, but I know that he did a great job representing us. I was looking forward to it very much. I have spent the last four days at home with the flu I’ve tested negative for covid twice. My brother and his family had just gotten over the flu and my little great niece was in Starship hospital with bronchitis, so I think I picked up the dregs from them and bought it down to Wellington with me. I’m 90% on the mend. Hopefully I will be 100% tomorrow. It is also my last day of being 63, tomorrow will be the start of another journey around the sun. Looking forward to celebrating with family.
I was going to do an Ash Wednesday service at 9.00am at church. But I see that St. John’s Willis Street and St. Mary’s of the Angels are combining to celebrate Ash Wednesday on March 5th at 5pm next week at St Mary’s of the Angels, Boulcott St. I think it would be great if we could join them in this ecumenical service instead.
This Sunday is the 8th Sunday of Epiphany Transfiguration and Communion Sunday. It’s not an easy subject to preach about and I sort of dread it every year. Given that my brain has been mishmash this last week I’m not sure what my reflection will be. It has been suggested that I might want to share our Treaty Submission statement as part of the reflection. We’ll see what inspiration emerges over the next few days.
Don’t forget the Concert this Sunday at 3pm at SAOTT. The two Han brothers from
Australia will be performing see advertisement below. There will be door sales and sales online. Enjoy the last of the summer weather. Ka kite ano. Fei
You can read the full E-news here: https://mailchi.mp/d297771f2d22/this-weeks-newsletter-from-st-andrews-on-the-terrace-10133373