Morena e hoa ma!  19 more days until Christmas.  I went to watch Moana 2 and enjoyed seeing and hearing the synchronisation of Polynesian cultures in the movie.  An old man had a Samoan tatau or tattoo, the houses were in the style of the Samoan Fale and the spoken language was also little bits of Samoan here and there.  The animation and music are worth going for.  Some of my acquaintances provided the voices of some of the characters.

I piggy backed on a quick visit to Auckland for MPP business on Monday to see my new grand nephew Alapati junior referred to as AJ.  What a blessing and a cute bundle of joy our rainbow miracle baby is.

At Fuimaono Dr Karl Endemann’s reflection time during our Transgender memorial service he mentioned visiting dear uncle Pasi the day before at Hutt Hospital.  How uncle Pasi wanted someone to come and bring him to our service the next day.  Sadly, uncle Pasi passed away yesterday aged 90 years old.  He had a wonderful long life.  He used to own the nightclub called The Purple Onion here in Wellington and employed the likes of drag queen Carmen and many others.  Pasi himself was a drag queen, he married and had two children.  So many people have expressed wanting to come to attend his funeral so it may be next week or the week after depending on where people will be flying in from.  I personally think, just have a quick small funeral.  So in midst of my busyness, I will be attending and participating in uncle Pasi’s funeral when it happens.  Thinking of Dame Luamanuvao Winnie Laban and Ken Laban, uncle Pasi was Winnie’s mum Aunty Emmy’s brother.

This week has been an extremely busy week with two evening meetings,
FFMG Finance and facilities management meeting on Wednesday and last night Parish Council held at Huntleigh Village in Karori compliments of Pat Booth.  Yesterday in the afternoon we also had our annual Christmas afternoon tea and drinks inviting everyone who makes St. Andrew’s tick throughout the year.  Our opportunity to say thank you for all that they do for our SAOTT community.

This morning, I had to drop my car off to the repair hub in Ngauranga for some panel work.  Before that I picked up Snoopy from Paw Palace as he stayed when I went to Auckalnd and then for a further 2 nights whilst I had my 2 evening meetings.  Anyhow, before the receptionist hands me the keys to my courtesy car, she’s reading from the car hiring rules and she begins “no pets, no smoking, no vaping” Snoopy is sitting by her feet looking up as if he understands what she is saying.  I look at her quizzingly (if there is such a word) and said, “he has just been picked up from Paw Palace on my way here I had no choice but to bring the dog”.  She looks at Snoopy puts her finger to her lips and says “sshh, we won’t tell anyone just clean up his fur from the seat”.  Not all dog’s shed fur, Snoopy does not.   She had no choice anyway, otherwise I would have jumped back in my own car and rebooked for another time.  I know not everyone is a dog lover but for those of us with furry companions, we do not exclude them from most family things in particular car rides.

I am very much looking forward to our Sunday service this week when we re-launch our Rainbow room programme.  At this stage I have no idea how many children might be attending but as the Jesus said, “where two or three are gathered, there I am in the midst of them”.  Please bring along the children in your families for a fun morning, the more the merrier.

I’m working from home today so I can walk around in my T-shirt and shorts and not have to worry about dressing up for work and just relax, work, You Tube, work, Netflix etc. etc.  Have a great weekend and enjoy the lovely sunshine.  Ma te wa. Fei

You can read the full E-news here: https://mailchi.mp/34f8d28c9441/this-weeks-newsletter-from-st-andrews-on-the-terrace-10131957

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