This week has been full on especially after returning from the PCANZ Hui at Ohope in the weekend.  Esther and John’s home up the road was literally a slice of heaven at the end of a long day.  It made the whole weekend much more endurable.  It was great to catch up with old friends and also be immersed in Te Reo once again.  I realise that I still have much to learn and will continue to do so as I am able.

At Te Maungarongo (our PCANZ Marae) the overall theme of the weekend was not about the business of the church but a chance for the National leaders of the church, Pacific Presbytery and Te Aka Puahou to rethink what it means to be church now and in the future.  Tekotahitanga “We are one” is the future aim, that we are no longer them and us but that we begin working towards a common mission, ministry and focus. A committee called to look at bringing people together Te Kaui Whanaugatanga a name given by Te Aka Puahou meaning being formed and led forward as whanau.  Strong relationships are developed by sharing life together – playing, praying, working, belonging together.  In a nutshell “what if we, the PCANZ more intentionally incubated and nurtured indigenous forms of the life of faith? What if our pioneering work was the stuff of fools and dreamers? What if we remembered the contribution of our Presbyterian forebears – imported boundaries makers, ways of being together – but relinquished the rules and ways of the past that no longer serve as they were originally intended? “ Poipoia te Kakano, kia puawai, Nurture the seed and it will bloom.

From left Rev Rose Luxford Moderator of PCANZ, Rev Tamiana Thrupp Moderator Te Aka Puahou, Rev Arona Tusega Moderator Pacific Presbytery

And Very Rev Fakaofo Kaio being congratulated on receiving his New Zealand Order of Merit NZOM.

On Tuesday Queen Margaret College paid for its Directors/Trustees (those who were able) to attend a day’s training on Governance led by International Schools N.Z  it was down in the AON building in Willis Street.  I thought it would be silly not to accept this gift of paid training in governance (even though I’ve been doing it for the last 33 years) but never been paid to attend a formal training event.

Wednesday night was the Arts Awards Pacific at Parliament concluding with making an appearance at Facilities Financial Management Group FFMG afterwards.  Fuimaono Dr Karl Pulotu Endemann who will be our guest speaker on Transgender Memorial Sunday on 24th November was one of the MC’s at Awards night at Parliament.  Please note in your diaries that special Sunday.  The Glamaphones have also been invited to sing and we will have a shared lunch afterwards.  I also caught up with the CEO of Ministry of Culture and Heritage Leauanae Laulu  Mac Leauanae at the same event.

I was saying to a colleague yesterday that I understand SAOTT was a two minister parish and I can understand why it is a busy  ministry not just because of the church and our people but also because of our involvement and inner-city outreach to the community.

(I’m not good at taking selfies)

This Sunday is a Favorite Hymn service led by Rosemary Lawrence with various people sharing hymns that are important to them.  A nice change for us from our usual Sunday services.  If you are able please do come and join us will be enjoyable.  Afterwards we have our Special General Meeting to follow and Y Group will be meeting upstairs led by Callum on his last day before he migrates to Melbourne.  Callum we are really going to miss you.

Please note our 2 Wednesday evening workshops on Te Tiriti “Belong to  This Land” being held at church (see notice for dates).

Please read the contents of the letter re the Central Presbytery Gathering at Milson Uniting Church in Palmerston Norther on Inclusivity Dialogue on Saturday 2nd November.  I have 3 spare seats in my car if you wish to join me.  First come first serve.  Ka kite ano.  Fei

You can view the full E-news here: https://mailchi.mp/1b8d87a02d97/this-weeks-newsletter-from-st-andrews-on-the-terrace-10131047

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