Bula Vinaka, this is Fijian language week.   Like I alluded to last week, this week’s E News is coming from Ohope where I am attending the National Hui for Leaders of our church within the PCANZ.  I am the convenor of the Doctrine Core Group and so in this role one of us gets to attend this hui.  Unfortunately, Rev Dr Murray Rae who I co-convene with is unavailable. So, I drew the short straw.

I have had another “god moment” or “serendipity moment” this week.  In preparation to come here I was anticipating having packing my bedding  as we were instructed to carry on the plane in order that I might bunk down in the Ohope Christian Campsite.  There are 8 people to a unit and dormitory style rooms.  Oh dear! I definitely struggled at the thought.  Anyway, I rang my friend Esther who lives just up the road about 4 minutes from Te Maungarongo Marae which is above the campsite.  I wanted to have a coffee with her on Friday morning as our Powhiri was at 3pm.  Esther answers her phone and is delighted to hear from me.  “Aw she says, what a shame, we are in Samoa, where are you staying?  I tell her about the bunkrooms in the campsite and she immediately responds, “Oh no, you can stay at our place and have the house all to yourself”.  Wow, who would have thought?  What a wonderful gift Esther and John have given me, I was dreading carrying bedding on the plane, no room for clothes and sharing a dormitory with 7 other people.  So, hallelujah I’m not there I’m here lol!

On Monday at the Divisiveness and Democracy open conversation at our church, it was a full house right up to the gallery upstairs about 200 people. I believe it t was a great success.  Thanks to Sue and the members of Ephesus who helped organise it.  I have  since read a review by Michael Reddelll in his blog “Croaking Cassandra”.  Here’s the link if you want to read it. It appears second after the Central bank policy communications. https://croakingcassandra.com/ Very interesting reflection on his take of this conversation a mixed review.

What did you think of having our shared brunch after Communion on the first Sunday of the month instead of the second?  For me, I like the idea of a Koinonia Sunday as I mentioned last week.  A worship service of communing together which is then carried on in the hall with fellowship over brunch/lunch continuing our Koinonia over a shared meal.

Yesterday when I drove from Rotorua Airport to Whakatane and eventually Ohope, as my rental car climbed up the hill towards Ohope, I popped into Hillcrest Cemetary to visit my buddy and dear friend Katie who took her own life the day after Anzac day in 2002 22 years ago.  She would have been 42 years old today.  Her father who sadly also took his own life three years later unable to get over the grief of losing Katie is also buried next to her.  They share the same headstone much to my surprise but it was most appropriate.   Stephen had also become a good friend of mine.  It has been almost 10 years since I was last in Ohope and visited her.  I remember sharing her story on my first Transgender Memorial Service in 2021.  Katie struggled with gender dysphoria.

Tomorrow Queen Margaret College is opening up their new Library.  I am unable to attend but Lynne Dovey will there representing SAOTT and also in her capacity as former Chair of the Board of Trustees.  It is a beautiful library very futuristic looking.

This Sunday Jim and Maxine Cunningham are leading our service.  They will be exploring that famous story of the woman from Syrophonecia.  Next Sunday, Rosemary has offered to lead another Hymn singing Sunday where volunteers will be asked to choose a special hymn and reflect upon it and what it means to them, if they wish to.  I have so many favorite hymns that I have to sift through my head to see what I might choose to share next week as well.

Think of me working through the weekend as you relax at home in the hopefully beautiful weather.  Take care ma ia manuia le weekend.  Fei

You can read the full E-news here: https://mailchi.mp/39e0bce3ac42/this-weeks-newsletter-from-st-andrews-on-the-terrace-10130920

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