Last Sunday Conrad Lendrum who is the Manager Waste Infrastructure at the Ministry for the Environment led a workshop on recycling and it was a very insightful talk full of information that you would not normally know regarding plastics being numbered for specific recycling conveyor belts etc. and what plastics cannot be recycled.  That all lids for bottles etc must be removed and not placed in the recycling bin, also that ice cream lids are easily mistaken for flat pieces of paper and will jam up the recycling machines.  It was a really interesting talk.  It was his first talk to a church group and I think it would be great if churches around Wellington or even the Eco churches and groups would invite him to speak.  Thanks Doug for putting us on to your very brainy son.

It has been a non-eventful week for me which is a nice change.  I had the Queen Margaret College’s Board meeting on Wednesday evening.  What I love about these meetings is that before our 6pm meeting we meet in the staff room and are served dinner by the school chef.  It’s always a nourishing meal and it means we can get straight into business afterwards and not think about food or have our tummy’s rumbling.

This evening I’ve got some VIP guests coming to stay with me today so they can attend their sons All Black test tomorrow.  Caleb Clarke’s parents Eroni and Siala are very dear friends of mine and they and their two young sons will be staying the weekend.  I grew up with Eroni at the same church I was his Sunday School teacher and Youth group leader.  When he was about to play his first test for the All Blacks back in 1992, he invited me to come to his hotel and pray a blessing over him.  He gave me his bottle of champagne that you receive when you become an All Black and it still sitting in my cabinet unopened. In 2020 Eroni was appointed as New Zealand Rugby’s first Pasifika Engagement Manager where he works with the Pasifika community to ensure their voices are heard at the highest levels.   Tomorrow I get to attend the match with them and go to the after-function to meet the All Blacks team afterwards.  Yee ha! Very exciting.

Yesterday there was an article on Frank Hanson in the Post and online, here is the link it is a great read: https://www.thepost.co.nz/nz-news/350428796/generation-swipe-lessons-optimistic-90-year-old  Wonderful article, I encourage you to read it.

This Sunday is Planet Sunday but we have called it Papatuanuku Sunday and it will be led by Anna Smith and the Eco group and members of our Y Group.  A message from Anna Smith for this Sunday.   A reminder for people to bring seeds and plants to swap as part of the Papatūānuku service on Sunday? We’re asking people to bring things from their garden that they would like to share as we focus on regenerating and renewing Papatūānuku.  I look forward to being a member of the congregation this Sunday.

Hope the weather is warm and sunny this weekend.  Ka pai te ra, have a good day.  Fei

You can full the full E-news here: https://mailchi.mp/3b7eee4d2330/this-weeks-newsletter-from-st-andrews-on-the-terrace-9471780?e=[UNIQID]

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