E NEWS 26TH JULY 2024 

When I started writing this morning it was “Morena” now it is lunchtime so I will say Kia ora tatou.  We won’t talk about the Rugby 7’s game this morning too depressing for me anyway, probably many of you couldn’t care less.  Oh well, there is still hope for Gold from all our other world class athletes.

Sue Hirst and I have just had a meeting with a member of the Mission Outreach team of Central Presbytery to discuss our next 30 years.  Will we still exist?  What might we look like?  Etc. etc.  We will need to begin by looking at the last 30 years by scrolling through the last 30 years for AGM reports, that’s a good starting point.  Watch this space we will keep you updated.

Next Tuesday is the official launch of Alo. Fa a charitable trust and Pasifika Sexual Violence specialist service, dedicated to addressing and healing from harm with the Pasifika community caused by sexualized violence.  I have been invited as minister of St Andrew’s on the Terrace to do the blessing at this occasion.  Another inner city outreach ministry for our church to be involved in.

Tomorrow is the Kapiti Coast Cluster group at the Feist’s home in Waikanae, we will be meeting for lunch, if you are from around there and didn’t know about it you are welcome to join us.  Just flick me a text on 021-836-060.

I want to recommend a movie I watched this week on Netflix called “Srikanth” about a blind baby born into poverty in an Indian village.  It is a true story and highlights how someone can go from a prescribed life of begging on the streets to global success.  I won’t say anymore but encourage you to watch it.  It’s a feel good movie.

On Thursday Doug Lendrum and I attended a meeting in Levin for United Parishes oversight group, a Central Presbytery committee.  It was business as usual, what I enjoyed the most was lunch in Otaki afterwards.  Thanks Doug for introducing me to a new café out in the wops.

This Sunday we were hoping to have Paul Hunt at our morning service and he and Paul Barber were going to lead the reflection time.  Unfortunately, Paul Hunt cannot arrive until 11.30 during our coffee time.  So Cam who will be leading family time.  In anticipation of Paul and Paul’s reflection time Cam had prepared an entrée into Human rights and will introduce us to this subject before we realised that Paul would not be available.  We are still going with this theme as an introduction into our Social Justice workshop afterwards.  The Gospel theme is the feeding of the 5,000 a story you all know so well, so let’s see where I take you on Sunday.  I will be introducing a new song to St. Andrew’s on the guitar which links into our reflection.  I am unable to locate the music, I’m hoping that someone amongst us will be able to write the music up by hearing it for our musicians to use in the future.

I am very much looking forward to attending the preview of Jane Keller’s show “Leave ‘em laughing” tonight.  I might see some of you there.  Ka kite ano.  Fei

You can read the full E-news here: https://mailchi.mp/239524a3df61/this-weeks-newsletter-from-st-andrews-on-the-terrace-9467900

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