I do recall that the words in my last E News before I went to Samoa was “hope you have an uneventful 2 weeks!”.  Maybe you did but I certainly didn’t.  I should eat my words.

Words cannot describe the heartbreak I have experienced over these last few days.  Whilst I was in Samoa on the big island of Savaii my dog sitter phoned me to tell me that Peanut was unwell, he was not eating and struggling to stay on his feet.  I told him to take him to the vet immediately. After an examination the vet phoned me to say that after taking blood tests Peanut was experiencing renal failure and it would be better for me to come home earlier rather than later.  What a long journey that was I had to wait over 24 hours for a flight to NZ and I had to catch a ferry back to Upolu first. My siblings who I was with in Savaii kindly bought my suitcase home for me as I wouldn’t have managed it on the ferry because of the stairs one has to climb.  Long story short, I arrived home in Wellington on Saturday morning at 8.10am and my dog sitter drove me straight to the vets.  My poor buddy Peanut had patiently waited for me.  When I walked through the door he just looked at me, he was too sick to wag his tale and jump up and down.  The vet hadn’t had time to clean him up, it didn’t matter to me.  I wrapped Peanut up in the blanket that was in the cage and cuddled him close to me.  Our routine at home when I pick Peanut up and he is happy and content, he purrs.  Peanut purred in my arms as if to say, “thank you for coming home mummy, I love you too and goodbye”.  That was my gift from Peanut to purr in my arms content and happy as he crossed over the Rainbow Bridge. Absolutely heart-breaking.  I think I remember saying some time ago in an earlier E News saying that the death of a pet cannot be compared to the death of a human on so many different levels.

My husband Rewi and I have had Peanut since 2009 when he was about 5 weeks old, he died aged 14 ½ years old (101 in dog years).  Peanut had an amazing long life for a little dog.  He has been a wonderful companion to both Snoopy and I since my husband passed away over 9 years ago. Snoopy is now the new SAOTT mascot, to-date he travels with me everywhere as he will be too lonely on his own at home and it is not good for a grieving dog to be left on their own including the owner.  RIL Peanut.

My grief was quickly doubled by the death of long-time friend and Green MP Fa’anana Efeso Collins on Wednesday morning.  Efeso and I met in 1998 at University of Auckland where I was the Maclaurin Chaplain, and he was the President of Pacific Students for Christ.  They used the Maclaurin Chapel as their daily base to meet and worship.  We met at the Timor Leste Flag raising ceremony at Parliament  recently.  Efeso emailed me before I went to Samoa to meet for coffee when I got back.  He wanted to attend SAOTT to worship one Sunday.  Sadly, this will not be happening now.  On Wednesday at 5pm I led a short memorial service for Parliamentary staff and MP’s with Bishop Justin at the Cathedral in the Lady Chapel.  Unbeknownst to the Bishop and Rev. Steven King Priest from St. Peter’s the person they contacted to play the music was my cousin Jacob Taule’ale’ausumai, so we decided to do a duet and sing a Samoan hymn together while people approached the altar and lit candles in memory of Efeso.

Friday morning at 9.30am I led another memorial service for Efeso at the Ministry of Pacific Peoples at their office on the Terrace.  It was indeed a privilege to honour and farewell him in this way.   Efeso’s wife Fia was instrumental in organising my parents’ re-interment at Waikumete Cemetary in November last year.  We will remember the Collins family in our hearts and prayers.

This Sunday we have two services, our usual 10am service Lent 2. My theme is “What is your Cross?”  Obviously, it is still a work in progress as I have so much going on at the moment.   At 2pm we gather with the minister and members of Te Kakano o te Aroha at the Pitione (Petone) Iona Cross for a service commemorating the arrival of Rev John Macfarlane and settlers on the ship The Bengal and the founding of St. Andrews Parish in Wellington.  I hope to see many of you there.  Please bring a chair to sit on.

Whilst I was in Samoa you never guess who I bumped into?  Hon. Winston Peter’s and Hon Dr. Shane Reti the new Minister of Pacific Peoples.  There was a Waitangi Celebration hosted by the Prime Minister of Samoa the Hon. Fiame Mataafa.  It was held at the hotel I was staying at Taumeasina and even though it felt a bit like “working” I was invited to attend.  The Samoan Prime Minister’s parting words to me were “next time I’m in Wellington, I’m coming to your church!” Watch this space.

My beautiful niece Raegan gets married on Wednesday next week in Auckland at  Winsford Gardens .  Thankfully, I am not officiating.   I am allowed to be Aunty Fei which I am very grateful for.

Thank you everyone for your kind emails and condolences on Facebook. Snoopy and I are very grateful.  Faafetai, Fei

You can read the full E-News here: https://us5.campaign-archive.com/?e=__test_email__&u=0062a96a4c34243b29829aedc&id=c069483e79

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