Morena e hoa ma, I trust all is well with you all. Dear Safaira, my brother’s mother-in-law and dear friend that I visited last Wednesday in Auckland passed away on Tuesday morning. I’m glad her pain and suffering was not prolonged. Fortunately, my annual leave begins on Monday and so I will be able to attend her funeral on Monday morning in Auckland. The next day I begin my travels to Samoa for both family reasons as well a bit of a holiday (is there such a thing in Samoa?). I will be away until Sunday 18th February. Jim Cunningham will be on call in my absence.

Next Sunday service will be led by Ross Scott, the following Sunday we have a visiting minister from PCUSA, Rev Dr. David Brown.

I’ve had three wonderful pastoral visits since last week’s E News. Sir Lloyd Geering sends his greetings to SAOTT, he often asks after everyone at SAOTT even though he may not remember names. He is in good spirits, and I enjoy my visits with him. I was invited to Greytown to have lunch with Gavin and Jenny Watson and see their beautiful new home. What a nostalgic drive it was along the Remutaka hills, the last time I did that drive was around 1991 as National Youth Co-ordinator for our church. On my way home I went via Titahi Bay and popped in to see Laura and Melissa and their new baby Louis. What a cute bundle of joy he is.

Our special commemorative service on 25th February 2024 will be held at 2pm at the Petone Foreshore around the Iona Cross. I am meeting with Te Kakano o te Aroha Amorangi Minister Rev Te Tokaia for lunch today to finalise the order of service. We will still have our normal 10am service that morning. Be great to see many of you at this service. You might consider arriving early and having a picnic lunch before the service begins.

This Sunday to commemorate Waitangi Day on Tuesday we will explore what this means for us. It is also communion Sunday being the first Sunday of the month.

Easter is fast approaching. This year is the alternate year where we will not be doing the stations of the cross. On Good Friday I am looking for volunteers to help out with prayers and readings. You will be writing your own short prayer/petition for you to read out during the service. Easter Sunday we will return to those who are rostered to do prayers and readings. It will also be communion that day.

You will have noticed that we now have a time of “reflective music” after the reflection on Sundays. I have had a mainly positive response to this new addition to our OOS. If there is a particular piece of music you would like to share, I can include it in one of our services if it is in line with the theme of the day. It is preferred to have musical pieces without words. We will build up a pool of music choices from which to select our music from each Sunday.

I hope the next two weeks I am away will be uneventful, so I don’t have to worry about anyone lol. Do take care and I look after one another. Ka kite ano, Fei

You can read the full E-news here: https://mailchi.mp/38aa673db4d1/this-weeks-newsletter-from-st-andrews-on-the-terrace-9436332


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