Pam Ormsby’s funeral went off without a hitch.  Approximately 80+ people turned up to farewell her.  It was great to see Hugh Templeton and hear his eulogy as well as the S.A.O.T.T. representatives who shared many stories and memories of Pam’s life and time here at S.A.O.T.T.

The funeral poem that she wrote and which I read just before the benediction is included at the end of this E News.  Many people have asked me to include this poem as they would like a copy of it. Pam left instructions with almost everyone in the church about her funeral plans so I had many reminders about what to include in her service.  This may be a sensitive topic for some of you but I wonder whether perhaps, this is an apt time for me to just ask you all the question “do you have your affairs in order?”  I know many of you have already planned your funeral services, some of us don’t even want to talk about death but given my experience with Pam’s funeral it is actually a good thing for a funeral to be conducted exactly how you would like it to be conducted.  Choose your own hymns, bible readings, even prayers.  I know when I asked my mum about what she wanted at her funeral service and her reply was “that’s your job, you’re the minister”.  I guess everyone is different.  But if it helps you to be prompted then it is a very helpful tool for the minister to know that your wishes are being respected and carried out at your funeral service.  Some say that funerals are for the living, yes that is true but I know your beloved ones left behind would appreciate some guidance too.  Something to think about.

Jennifer Bush is now at home after her surgical procedure last week, we wish her well in her recovery.  I’m waiting on an update from Margaret Rushbrook’s daughter at the time of writing this E News so nothing new to report at this stage.  Lois Robertson is also doing well at home after Sunday.

There is a lot going on for everyone at S.A.O.T.T. and I just want to say please, please look after yourselves, take it easy and check on one another to see how they are doing.  It has been extremely busy for me for both June and July, I’m hoping August will not be so hectic.

I’ve been planning my holidays for November, my nephew from Canberra face timed me last week and his children were in the middle of having a bath 1 and 2 yearS old and Atlas was singing Twinkle, twinkle to me in English and Spanish.  Lucas my nephew then said “So when are you coming over for a holiday?” At that stage I hadn’t given any thought to taking annual leave, but this surely prompted me to do so.

We have heard via Tea leaves and Coffee Grounds via Linda and Norman that Rev. Susan Jones is doing well.  She had a long conversation with Susan on the phone but she is still coping with the limitations and restrictions of her stroke.

This Sunday Mark Stamper is performing a concert here at St. Andrews at 2pm it is a koha entry and his choir will also be performing.  I’m sorry I will miss it as I don’t return from Auckland until the evening.

On my day off on Monday I will drive to the Otaki Campus of Te Wanaga o Raukawa to get my passport identification verified so I can begin my 6 month on-line Te Reo course.  It’s been a long time 30 years in fact since I learnt Te Reo and I am so rusty I now need a refreshers course to bring me back to speed.  I’m looking forward to it.

I hope you have a weekend of rest, recreation, and relaxation.  Ka kite, Fei

Pam Ormsby’s Poem about her funeral…

Link to Pam’s funeral program: https://www.standrews.org.nz/wp-content/uploads/2023/07/Pam-Ormsby-Funeral-Program.pdf

You can read the full E-news here: https://mailchi.mp/45300f4e41b9/this-weeks-newsletter-from-st-andrews-on-the-terrace-9391503

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