Hello everyone,

How lovely it was to get together a couple of weeks ago and learn a little bit about how to prepare for death and dying, to share questions, learn something new and discuss some issues with each other. I’m sure many of us have had some fairly intense encounters with death and it’s good to think through some of what that brings up, both to prepare ourselves and to make things easier for our loved ones.

On Sunday we will hear of a life changing event for one person, Zaccheus, that small but determined man in Luke’s Gospel.

His encounter with Jesus was intense and life-changing. We get some idea of how that affected Zaccheus, though we don’t hear long term outcome. These significant encounters, whether small or large are what form who we are and how we are in the world. We bring that also to our experiences of death and dying. Approached with awareness and intentionality, we can learn from daily opportunities, excitements and losses, a little of how to move through the larger events.

I love the openness, impetuosity and generosity Zaccheus shows in his response to Jesus, even as I smile at his recklessness and willingness to lose his dignity.

May we all have the freedom and trust to relate to the sacred in a similar way!
All the best,



You can read the full e-news here: https://mailchi.mp/eac2f31e1aa9/this-weeks-newsletter-from-st-andrews-on-the-terrace-9198515

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