I was invited to the farewell for the Chief Executive for Ministry of Pacific Peoples Laulu Mac Leauanae Thursday afternoon 3-5.30pm at Pipitea Marae. I have had to think long and hard about logistics about going. Firstly, it is Thursdays in black and I’m wearing trousers and women cannot wear trousers on a marae. Secondly, I have parish council at 7pm and that will make for a long day indeed. So given that, my jet-lagged state has not quite left me yet I have decided not to go and instead go home and feed and walk the dogs before coming back for Parish Council. It’s called “learning to put oneself first!” I’m sure you all know about this and can relate to it. So often we are all looking out for others and we forget about ourselves. Our mothers are exceptionally good at doing this, still tending, and looking after the needs of their children even when they have long left home. If it weren’t for Parish Council tonight I would definitely have gone but they have received my apologies.
Have you ever wondered what your purpose in life is? Sometimes it’s not always plain and clear to see, sometimes it takes time before you have that “aha” moment and you look back and see how all this was planned and has gradually come to fruition. We are not always aware of it at the time, but in time you will know and you can look back and see the God moments in every turn of events and even when you slipped well below your coping range and managed to climb back into the normalcy of life. You see God’s hand at your deepest depths and your lofty heights. I had one of those moments whilst at the Women’s Roundtable in Korea. It’s liberating and I can see how all my years have culminated to come to this sacred women’s gathering. We don’t necessarily know why, when, where or what our purpose is in this life but when we find out no matter how long it takes, it is liberating and empowering. leave you with Joy Cowley’s poem ‘A Prayer for Discernment.’
God, when I was a child
the issues of right and wrong were simple,
clearly laid down as law by others.
But now that I’m an adult,
responsible for my life,
now that I must make decisions
based on my own experience,
nothing appears clear-cut any more.
Now, I see the movements of life
which can turn evil into good
and I know how corruption can occur
to taint the best of intentions.
In fact, it sometimes seems
that good and evil aren’t separate at all,
but mixed in every action.
And that can make choices difficult.
Loving God,
I pray for the courage to make wise decisions.
in the security of your love,
may I step past the ignorance and fear
which makes me self-protective,
and in a multitude of choices,
may I always lean towards the greater good.
You can read the full E-news here: https://mailchi.mp/2724aa8776a8/this-weeks-newsletter-from-st-andrews-on-the-terrace-9194515