Another busy week and a very sick dog. I was unable to attend Central Presbytery over the weekend as Peanut was at the after-hours vet all Thursday night and at the local vet all day Friday. Thank goodness for pet insurance. For me it was a good opportunity to just stop and make use of this extra time that I suddenly had to prepare for Sunday worship and settle more into my new home without the rushing around that I was anticipating.

At Parish Council planning on Sunday one of the Matariki stars had made a suggestion that E News add a spiritual dimension. We considered this and thought that many of the readers of E News are part of the St. Andrew’s diaspora and may not have the opportunity to attend an inclusive church wherever you may be.

Anthony de Mello tells the story of a woman who dreamt she walked into a brand new shop and found God behind the counter. “What do you sell here?” she asked, “Everything you heart desires,” said God. Hardly daring to believe what she was hearing the woman decided to ask for the best things a human being could wish for. I want peace of mind ad love and happiness and wisdom and freedom from fear,” she said. Then as an afterthought, she added “Not just for me. For everyone on earth.”

God smiled, “I think you’ve got me wrong, my dear,” “We don’t sell fruits here. Only seeds.”

We all have the potential within us to grow and nurture the basic needs of life, the concepts of peace, love, happiness, integrity, and basic human kindness. So often we want things that present themselves as fruit, as the end product when in actual fact we need to grow these values and concepts from seeds, water, nurture and help them grow to fruit by first practising these ourselves. Nothing comes to us easily, it all requires us to put in the hard yards if it is to mean anything and have real purpose in our lives. It’s all about producing in ourselves first those very values that we would like people to show us, it’s like looking in a mirror. If you want love and peace, you first must show that to others.

Hope the weather settles down and that you all keep warm and dry. Fei

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