It was lovely to be able to meet up again with the Prime Minister of Samoa. It has been a few years since we last met face to face so this was special to be able to be part of the special welcome ceremony that the Samoan community of Wellington put on for her. My aunty Peseta Noumea Simi was part of the Samoan delegation as she is the CEO of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Samoa and it was equally great to meet them both at the same time.

The good news is there is an conditional offer on my house in Auckland and I have put in a conditional offer on a house in Wellington so fingers crossed everything will become unconditional within the next 10 or so days. I will keep my fingers and toes crossed until then.

We had a great speaker with Dave Lowe at Spirited Conversations on Tuesday night quite a good turn out for a cold night and Dave was a very confident speaker and is an expert on his subject of Climate Change and has over 50 years experience in the field. We are very thankful for his availability.

It will be Refugee Sunday on the 3rd July. If you would like to make a contribution to the service on your experience or work with refugees please contact me it would be good to share our stories and experiences.

Have a great weekend everyone. Fei

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