Well, here we are, nearly at the end of Lent.  Sunday takes us into Holy Week and all that means.  On Sunday The Parish Council will lead our Palm Sunday worship based on reading, symbols and music for Holy Week.  On Maundy Thursday there will be a quiet meditative service in the Common Room in the Centre  –  it will be an “Upper Room” service.   Good Friday brings us a service based on the Stations of the Cross and will involve a number of people from the congregation.

These services are designed to provide opportunities to “take time out” to reflect on the events of week central to our faith.  I hope you can find time to come to some of them.

On Easter Sunday there will be an Easter Celebration.  This will be the first opportunity to hear the restored organ which will be accompanied by a brass quartet.  There will be some great music, the St Andrew’s Singers will be singing, and there will be Communion.  And  Yes! There will be a sermon !!  There will be a special morning tea to follow and your are asked to bring a plate of “celebratory food” to share.

See you on Sunday?


To view the full e-news click on this link: https://mailchi.mp/f40d06cdb6b5/this-weeks-newsletter-from-st-andrews-on-the-terrace-4745645

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