Kia ora e te whānau,
What a week! I hope you’re all feeling safe and taken care of wherever you are this week.
I’ve been thinking a lot about connections, moving my office from work to home, meeting via zoom, facetime and on the phone, with technology and internet glitches as everyone else also works from home!
But I’ve noticed as the week has gone on, there’s a slow kind of adjustment happening, and I know that next week will be a little easier as the new becomes more familiar.
The pastoral care team have been thinking carefully about connections as well, within the St Andrew’s community, and how best to stay in touch with each other. Here is Linda’s message:
The pastoral care team consisting of Pat Booth, Brian Burrell, Maxine Cunningham, Katrina Harper, and Linda Wilkins “met” on Tuesday evening along with Catriona Cairns and Lynne Dovey. I’m sure you will notice that the word met is in inverted commas, so in fact we stayed in our own homes and used Zoom which for the uninitiated like me is a video conferencing service, so we could see and hear each other through our devices, it was fun! Sadly we couldn’t include Brian in this but I will be keeping him “up with the play”. It was fun but also tiring, I’m very aware that all of us are under quite a bit of stress and I’m grateful to Catriona and Lynne who set this up, amazingly we happened to have chosen 24 March for our regular meeting, little did we know how the world would have changed when we set that date.
Looking after each other is one of our St Andrew’s pillars and I know that we all try to do that whenever and wherever we can. We would like to formalise that caring a little bit by using our cluster groups. There are seven groups arranged according to your postal code and the people on our parish roll whether members, associates or whanau are in one of those clusters. Up until now, we have met socially and occasionally but while we are in lockdown we hope to keep in touch by phone and/or email. To this end we have asked 2 or 3 people in each cluster to be in touch with the others in their group. In the first instance they will ask if you would like to receive a weekly phone/text/email, we’re aware that some of you are already receiving calls etc and we don’t want to overload you. It will probably be another week before we settle down into some sort of routine.
There may be some of you reading this who are thinking “but I’m not in a cluster group”. If you would like to be, then please be in touch with me, (Linda, (04)9701010, 0272499741)
As time goes on and you need practical help or more support in any way, then please be in touch with either the person in your cluster group who is your contact or Linda.
A quote sent to me from our daughter-in-law:
“Shopping tip: Even Noah only took 2 of each.”
Another way we connect of course is through worshipping together on Sundays, and this week Ellen, Fionnaigh, Lynne, Laetitia, Mark, Sue and Pete have worked hard behind the scenes to produce our first online service – a huge thanks to Ellen for being so brave, as well as crafting a lovely service. Enjoy!
Ellen says:
“I’m looking forward to welcoming people to out first online St Andrew’s on the Terrace Sunday. There will be an online service to participate in (technology details still being worked through, so look out for another message about this) as well as an order of service available on our website, with the reflection. You might like to have a candle ready to light on Sunday morning, which will be a symbol of our community, regardless of where we physically are.”
Finally, I was in touch with Downtown Community Ministry earlier this week asking what they need and how we could continue to contribute to the foodbank. Their office manager replied:
“We have a drop box at Chaffers New World on 279 Wakefield Street, so any donations can be put there.
We are in chronic need of tinned items- soups, baked beans, spaghetti, tinned casseroles, fruits, along with muesli
bars, crackers, biscuits, noodles, packet pasta meals- but really are very
grateful and thankful for any items that we can pop in a parcel.”
If getting to Chaffers New World is difficult, and you would like to make a donation, the DCM bank account is 03 0558 0060344 00. Thanks to Linda and Norman for this information.
So, wherever you are this week, and whether with others or alone, in Wellington or around the country or overseas, know that you are in our thoughts and prayers, and let’s continue to hold each other in Love.
In other news this week we heard that the gunman who carried out the shootings in two Christchurch mosques has pleaded guilty. We stand in support of our Muslim brothers and sisters, and in gratitude and relief that they will be spared having to go through the trial process and that they are able to make their victim impact statements. (Graham Howell)
One of the greatest opera houses in the world, the Metropolitan Opera shut down last week and immediately announced that, for the foreseeable future, it would livestream an opera a day free of charge! Each opera will stream for 23 hours so it’s available world-wide and just about at any time that suits you. You can pause when you wish and enjoy your own interval – time for an ice cream or a glass of wine?? It’s really easy to access. Go to and scroll down the main page until you get to WATCH NOW, click and then sit back and become part of the audience at the Met. (Valerie Rhodes)
To view the full e-news click on this link:

One of the greatest opera houses in the world, the Metropolitan Opera shut down last week and immediately announced that, for the foreseeable future, it would livestream an opera a day free of charge! Each opera will stream for 23 hours so it’s available world-wide and just about at any time that suits you. You can pause when you wish and enjoy your own interval – time for an ice cream or a glass of wine?? It’s really easy to access. Go to and scroll down the main page until you get to WATCH NOW, click and then sit back and become part of the audience at the Met. (Valerie Rhodes)
Sunday online devotions
During this stressful time when we are unable to gather in our churches for worship, comfort and support, I will be live streaming devotions for our Church family every Sunday at 9am. Please join me.
My Sunday devotion is not just for our Church family, it is for anyone who needs the comforting word that God is with us.
No matter what we face in the coming weeks as a family, community and nation, Jesus will be with us, never forsake us. Together we will feel and share the love of Jesus Christ, the great healer.
We are in a time of crisis, people are fearful of what lies ahead, and they will be searching for spiritual guidance, strength and courage. This devotion is one way that our Church can be there for each other and them. Let’s share our hope and pray together for each other.
My video devotion will be on my Moderator Facebook page There is also a link on the Church website and Facebook.
I know some of you will be meeting online Sunday mornings with your own churches and I commend you for using technology to gather and pray together.
If you cannot join me at 9am, the videos will be on my Facebook page to watch at any time. I know that smart screens and apps are not so easy to use for some of our older people and I encourage our younger ones to help.
Please share links to my devotions widely. Let us show we are together apart, and fully present.
“Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled, and do not let them be afraid.” John 14:27
Right Reverend Fakaofo Kaio

Sunday online devotions
During this stressful time when we are unable to gather in our churches for worship, comfort and support, I will be live streaming devotions for our Church family every Sunday at 9am. Please join me.
My Sunday devotion is not just for our Church family, it is for anyone who needs the comforting word that God is with us.
No matter what we face in the coming weeks as a family, community and nation, Jesus will be with us, never forsake us. Together we will feel and share the love of Jesus Christ, the great healer.
We are in a time of crisis, people are fearful of what lies ahead, and they will be searching for spiritual guidance, strength and courage. This devotion is one way that our Church can be there for each other and them. Let’s share our hope and pray together for each other.
My video devotion will be on my Moderator Facebook page There is also a link on the Church website and Facebook.
I know some of you will be meeting online Sunday mornings with your own churches and I commend you for using technology to gather and pray together.
If you cannot join me at 9am, the videos will be on my Facebook page to watch at any time. I know that smart screens and apps are not so easy to use for some of our older people and I encourage our younger ones to help.
Please share links to my devotions widely. Let us show we are together apart, and fully present.
“Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled, and do not let them be afraid.” John 14:27
Right Reverend Fakaofo Kaio
Moderator of the Presbyterian Church of New Zealand