Hello everyone,

This week, Lois Robertson is using the enews to lay out some of the plans for the 180th anniversary in 2020.  “CELEBRATING 180 YEARS”

In 2020, St Andrews on the Terrace will celebrate 180 years.

This is the logo we will be using throughout the year.

A very enthusiastic committee has been met four times throughout this year to consider how we should mark this milestone. 

Gathering Memories.  A lot of historical material is stored in the church cupboards; two complete histories have been already printed and two overviews written – one for the Presbytery 50 Years Celebration and one for our website. There are many other records of actions and declarations St Andrew’s has made in recent years.  

We decided we would collect all this material and more for a bound book we are calling “Our Book of Memories”.  We have permission to use three chapters from the Rev Jack Sommerville’s life story which cover his time at St Andrews and also a Memoir from the Rev John Murray. There are others, including Susan. There will be Orders of Service, hymns and prayers we are using now.  Some  activities that will be recorded include the building and the operation of the St Andrew’s Centre and ‘Saving St Andrews’.

Several people have already been asked, but we invite any member to write a memory for this book, how they came to attend St Andrews or what they value.  There are also three activities planned throughout the year: 

A Gathering at the Iona Cross on Petone Beach, 2pm, Sunday 23rd February.  This is the anniversary of the landing of the first members of St Andrews Parish with Rev John Macfarlane, a man renowned for his rapport with Maori, his advocacy for Maori and his fluency in te reo.  This event is still being shaped and discussions about the final outcome are continuing as we speak.

A Celebration Dinner will be held in July – planning for this will start after Easter.

A Historical Sunday Gathering later in the year will use mainly historical material.

There are a lot of interesting “objects” of significance in the church.  We hope to give little talks, as part of a Gathering, on some of these throughout the year.

“Gather the people, Tell the stories, Break the Bread” –  Marcus Borg

Lois Robertson

This Sunday we commemorate the Transgender Day of Remembrance (November 20).  The Glamaphones will sing for us.  I’ve had a sneak preview.  They sound wonderful.  Come to celebrate and to grieve.  Afterwards,  Exploring Faith study group meets for its last meeting of the year, on the Conclusion of ‘Religion as Metaphor’.   See you then!     Susan

To view the full e-news click on this link : https://mailchi.mp/b65209b1a81a/this-weeks-newsletter-from-st-andrews-on-the-terrace-3775393

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