Hello everyone,

I can’t express to everyone how much of a difference having the new AV screens in church has made.  Before, because the church is so heavily booked, it was usually not possible to put up the screen and data projector before Sunday morning and because none of us want to be here at the crack of dawn in Sunday, the screen was often still being put up as people started to come in,.  A couple of times we have a very close shave that the setup would not be complete before the first hymn.

This meant that I used the data projection system as little as possible despite having used it frequently elsewhere.  Now I am not only enjoying the creativity that AV screens allow, but also enjoying the trouble-free simple switching of a switch to get everything started.  Add to that not worrying about children tripping on cords when they come to light the candle nor offering people having to avoid an expensive piece of equipment right at their feet.

It will be good if some can volunteer to sometimes run the powerpoint show through the service, and also one of the two workshops we are having for people to learn more about powerpoint is still available on Monday night 7-9pm in the St Andrew’s Centre.

These screens were only really possible because the giving has been so much better in the last financial year. I may not be here in the near future, but all of St Andrew’s financial needs will remain (!) so I hope you will continue to give generously.  Presbyterian churches like St Andrew’s exist because of the voluntary giving of their people and this vital ministry here on The Terrace needs constant re-fuelling!

This weekend:  A working bee has been called for Saturday morning at 9am.  Come along and see what is on the list which you can tackle (and bring your cleaning gear).  Many hands make light work so they say and it is more fun working with others!  The Exploring Faith study group will meet after the Gathering to study chapter 11 of Religion as Metaphor by David Tacey.  Everyone is welcome even if you haven’t been in the discussion so far.  This is the penultimate session for the year.  In the Gathering we end the short series on the six Pillars which undergird our life here on The Terrace.  I hope you can be there. 


To view the full e-news click on this link: https://mailchi.mp/723068954f70/this-weeks-newsletter-from-st-andrews-on-the-terrace-3563361

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