The Gender Identity Night held at St Andrew’s on The Terrace was well attended with over 60 people coming out on a dark wet and wintry evening.

Mani Mitchell psychotherapist and Alia, together with Susan Jones (minister at St Andrew’s) formed a panel telling their own stories in connection with trans- and intersex issues.  Mani noted that the rainbow umbrella had more than only two major areas underneath it.  The rainbow covered the gay community, (rainbow flag) the trans community (flag colours: blue and white and pink) and the intersex community (flag colours: purple and yellow)

Mani then identified books and resources which could help people understand the issues.  Also we heard from Mani that the person making a ‘transition’ or ‘coming out’ was not ‘changing’.  They were simply expressing more publicly the way they felt inside.  It was onlookers who experienced the change, not the person concerned.

Mani emphasised that people unsure of how to address a trans or intersex person should simply ask what the person themselves preferred as a name or which pronouns they preferred to be used.  ‘Never assume” was a good slogan to remember.

Representatives of six different groups within the community then spoke about their work, what they offered and sometimes how they needed assistance or funding.  These groups included Outerspaces, InsideOUT, genderminorities, Rainbow Wellington, a parents of transgender children facebook support group and Agender.  A summary sheet of details for contacting these groups will be sent to those who gave their emails in on the night and anyone else who wants them.  The summary sheet will also be later posted on this website.  If you wish to receive information in this area by email please email

St Andrew’s seeks to be inclusive of all human beings.  If you are lonely or feel socially isolated, or you simply want to be amongst a warm and friendly community, you are welcome to attend our Sunday Gatherings at 10am.  These Gatherings are church services, but everyone is welcome there whatever they believe and whatever they do not believe.  It is OK to attend just to be part of the community whether you profess to be Christian or Presbyterian or not.  If you are travelling your way through gender identity issues in any form, and want a religious community which is supportive of your journey, you will find others at St Andrew’s in the same situation.  If you want to have a private chat with the minister, email her on  If you are in an organisation which supports people in the gender identity area we may be able to help with pro bono use of small meetings rooms.  Let us know how we can help.

A recording of the Gender Identity Night on 12 June 2018 can be accessed here:

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