Years ago Bob Eyles and then Lloyd Geering wrote about the Greening of Christianity – calling the church to be more conscious of caring for creation.  The 10 principles in Lloyd’s monograph form the framework for a stimulating seminar at St Andrew’s on the Terrace, from 6.30pm Friday 22 June to 3.30pm Saturday 23rd June. This is a St Andrew’s Trust for the Study of Religions and Society event.

Over this midwinter weekend, come and hear a variety of great speakers: Andrew Butler (Towards Democratic Renewal), Niki Harre (The Infinite Game), Jonathan Boston (Anticipatory Governance), Jill Day, Deputy Mayor WCC, Nick Laurence cofounder of Mindfulness for Change, Ros Jiko UNANZ spokesperson on the UN Sustainable Development Goals, and Nadia Webster from the Department of Internal Affairs tech innovation unit on the future of the public sector, all supported and facilitated by Susan Jones.

This is the best line up of speakers I have seen for a weekend seminar costing only…..

(Friday Only) $10 one person $15 2 people/couple
(Friday & Sat (or Sat alone)  $30 (waged); $20 (unwaged); $15 (student). (Includes morning tea and lunch)

Go to the website to register.

That’s right.  Do it now!  We’d love to see you there!


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